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Linux Terminal Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet by

Common linux terminal commands and keyboard short-cuts

Terminal Programs

Download, install and use iterm2 instead of the default MacOS terminal
double click + CMD-v
double click text to copy and then CMD-v to paste
install and use z shell instead of bash
oh my zsh
install oh my zsh to easily configure zsh
include common aliases and other shell config­uration here
plugin­s=(git node npm kubectl)
add these shell completion plugins to .zshrc
alias abc=cmd
run cmd when you type abc

Shell Shortcuts

Stop the current command
Go to start of line
Go to end of line
Search command history
Clear the screen
Run last command
Run last command that starts with abc

Shell Variables

Show all enviro­nment variables
echo $ABC
Show a specific enviro­nment variables
Create a local variable
export ABC=123
Create a variable accessible by child processes
Used node.js code; expects value to be production or anything else
Home directory

IO Redire­ction

cmd < file
cmd receives contents of file as input (stdin)
cmd > file
cmd output (stdout) is written to file
cmd > /dev/null
discard cmd output
cmd >> file
append cmd output to end of file
cmd 2> file
cmd error output (stderr) is written to file
cmd 2>&1
send cmd error output (stderr) to the standard output (stdout)
cmd 2>&1 > file
cmd output (stdout) and error output (stderr) is sent to file
cmd 2>&1 | grep abc
search cmd output and error output for abc
cmd | cmd2
cmd2 receives output from cmd as input

Process Management

cmd1 ; cmd2
run cmd1 and then cmd2, regardless of cmd1 exit status
cmd1 && cmd2
run cmd1; run cmd2 if cmd1 is successful
cmd1 || cmd2
run cmd1; run cmd2 if cmd1 is not successful
cmd &
run cmd in the background
cause currently running command to sleep
continue running sleeping command in background
move command running in the backgr­ound, to run in the foreground
list all currently running processes
fg 2
move the second command listed by jobs, to run in the foreground

Directory Commands

mkdir abc
Create directory named abc
mkdir -p abc
Create directory if it does not exist
mkdir -p abc/xy­z/123
Create all direct­ories and subdir­ect­ories if they do not exist
Show the current directory
cd abc
Change to directory abc
cd ..
Change to the parent directory
cd ../xyz
Change to the sibling directory xyz
cd -
Change back to previous directory
List files in directory
ls -la
List files, including dot-files, with extra info
ls -lhSr
List files in reverse size order; w/friendly size

File Operations

touch file
update file last modified date; create file if not exists
cat file
output contents of file
less file
paged output contents of file
cp file1 file2
copy file1 to file2
mv file1 file2
mv file1 to file2
rm file
delete file
head -5 file
show the first 5 lines of file
tail -5 file
show the last 5 lines of file
tail -f file
show the last few lines of the file and follow output

Command help

man cmd
get command docume­ntation
cmd -h OR cmd --help
get help from the command

Finding Files

find .
list all files and direct­ories under the current directory and subdir­ect­ories
find . -type f
list all files under the current directory and subdir­ect­ories
find . -type f -iname 'abc'
list all files that have abc (case insens­itive) in the file name
find . -type f -maxdepth 3
list all files up to 3 direct­ories in depth
find . -type f -mmin -5
list files that were modified in the last 5 minutes
find . -type f -iname "abc" -exec cmd {} \;
run cmd on each file that contains abc; use {} in place of the filename; end the command with backsl­ash­+se­mi-­colon
find . -type f -iname 'abc' -exec chown root {} \;
make root the owner of all abc files
grep -Er 'this|­that' src/
find files under the src/ dir that contain "­thi­s" or "­tha­t"
grep -Er -l 'test' src/
list files only that contain 'test'
grep -Er -h 'test' src/
list lines in files only that contain 'test'

Text Manipu­lation

cut -d, -f1
split input by comma and output the first field
cut -d' ' -f2-5
split input by space and return the fields 2, 3, 4, 5
cut -c1-10
return the first 10 characters of each line of input
sort each line of input alphab­eti­cally
sort -n
sort each line of input numeri­cally
sort -nr
sort each line of input numeri­cally, descending (reverse)
return only one line for each duplicate adjacent line of input
uniq -c
same as above, but includes a count of how many times the line appears
sed -E -e 's/thi­s/t­hat/' file
replace the first instance of "­thi­s" with "­tha­t" on each line in file
sed -E -e 's/thi­s/t­hat/g' file
replace all instances of "­thi­s" with "­tha­t" on each line in file
sed -i.bak -E -e 's/thi­s/t­hat/g' file
same as above, but modifies file in place, and creates a backup
awk '{ print $2 }'
print out the second field in each line

Simple Regular Expres­sions

match any character once
match the preceding character 0 or more times
match the preceding character 1 or more times
match the preceding character 0 or 1 time
group patterns
match the pattern on the left OR right
match the start of the line
match the end of the line

Common Command Combos











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