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Derivative Classification Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Summary of principles of derivative classification.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Only Authorized Sources

Security Classi­fic­ation Guides (SCG)
Properly marked source documents

Principles of Derivative Classi­fic­ation

Use only authorized sources for classi­fic­ation guidance
The use of only memory or “general rules” about the classi­fic­ation of broad classes of inform­ation is prohibited
Observe and respect the classi­fic­ation determ­ina­tions made by the OCA
Identify yourself by name and position, or by personal identi­fier, in a manner that is immedi­ately apparent for each deriva­tively classified document you created
Apply standard markings to the deriva­tively classified material
Take approp­riate and reasonable challenge steps to resolve doubts or apparent conflicts about the classi­fic­ation, level of classi­fic­ation, and duration of classi­fic­ation of inform­ation
Use caution when paraph­rasing or restating inform­ation

Prohib­itions and Limita­tions

In no case shall inform­ation be classi­fied, continue to be maintained as classi­fied, or fail to be declas­sified in order to:
 ­  Conceal violations of law, ineffi­ciency, or admini­str­ative error;
 ­  Prevent embarr­assment to a person, organi­zation, or agency;
 ­  Restrain compet­ition; or
 ­  Prevent or delay the release of inform­ation that does not require protection in the interest of national security.

Classi­fic­ation Levels

Unauth­orized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause...
Top Secret (TS)
except­ionally grave damage
Secret (S)
serious damage
Confidential (C)
damage the national security that the OCA is able to identify or describe.