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The Evolution of Microorganisms and Microbiology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat sheet to refer before Microbiology examination

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

The Importance of Microo­rga­nisms

Who are the members of the microbial world?
- Cellular and acellular microo­rga­nisms too small to be clearly seen by the unaided eye
- Organisms with no highly differ­ent­iated tissues
- Relatively simple in their constr­uctions
What are the types of microo­rga­nisms
1. Cellular - Includes Fungi, Protists, Bacteria and Archaea
2. Acellular (Not made up of cells/­divided into cells) - Includes Virus, Viroids, Satellites and Prions
Describe prokar­yotic cells
Their contents are not divided into compar­tments by membranes
Describe eukaryotic cells
- Have a membra­ne-­enc­losed organelles
- More complex morphologically
- Usually larger than prokar­yotes
What are the three domain systems?
- Bacteria
- Archaea
- Eukaryotes
Describe the domain bacteria
- Usually single­-celled organism
- Contain peptid­oglycan in their cell wall
- Most lack membrane bounded nucleus
- Ubiquitous and some live in extreme enviro­nments
Describe the domain archaea
- Distin­guished from bacteria by unique rRNA sequences
- Have unique membrane lipids
- Lack peptid­oglycan in their cell walls
- Many live in extreme enviro­nments
Describe the domain eukarya
- Include plants, animals, protists and fungi
- Protists are generally larger than bacteria and archaea
- Fungi have metabolic capabi­lities
What are the differ­ences between organisms' rRNA?
- Archaea SSU rRNA are more similar to eukaryotes compared to bacteria
- Prokar­yotes have tRNA on their rRNA
- Prokar­yotes have longer rRNA compared to eukaryotes
Describe viruses
- Smallest of all microbes
- Require host cell to infect
- Consist of nucleic acid and protein
Describe viroids and satellites
Composed of RNA only but some have DNA
Describe prions
- Infectious proteins
- Lack nucleic acid
How did the methods used to classify microbes changed?
- Organisms were classified into five kingdoms ( Monera, Protista, Fungi, Animalia, Plantae)
- All organisms with prokar­yotic cell structures are under Monera
- Prokar­yotes are too diverse to be grouped together in a single kingdom so this is invalid
- Recent discov­eries on rRNA lead to classi­fic­ation into three domains (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukary­otes)
Different charac­ter­istic that distin­guish microo­rga­nisms from the other
- Bacteria: Contain peptid­oglycan in their cell walls
- Archaea: Have unique membrane lipid
- Protists: Usually larger than bacteria and archaea
- Fungi: Have metabolic capabilities
- Viruses: Composed of nucleic acid and proteins
- Viroids: Composed of RNA only
- Satell­ites: Composed of RNA/DNA
- Prions: Composed of infectious protein only

Microb­iology and Its Origins

Explain the endosy­mbiotic hypothesis
Over time the bacterial endosy­mbiont of ancestral cell in the eukaryotic lineage lost its ability to live indepe­nde­ntly, becoming either a mitoch­ondrion if it used aerobic respir­ations or chloro­plasts if it was a photos­ynt­hetic bacterium
What are the evidences to support endosy­mbiotic hypoth­esis?
- Mitoch­ondria and chloro­plasts have similar SSU rRNA with bacter­ia:­Mit­och­ondria - proteo­bac­teria while chloro­plast and green algae - cyanobacterium
- Peptid­oglycan found in chloroplasts
- Mitoch­ondria and chloro­plast have similar DNA and ribosomes with Bacteria's
Explain the hyrogen hypothesis
- The endosy­mbiont was an anaerobic bacterium that produces hydrogen and carbon dioxide as end products of its metabolism
-Over time, the host become dependent to the hydrogen produced by the endosy­mbiont thus it evolved into several organelles
- Perform aerobic respir­ation: Mitochondria
- Produce ATP through fermen­tation: Hydrog­enosome
Describe Koch's Postulates
1. The microo­rganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy organisms
2. The suspected microo­rganism must be isolated and grown in a pure culture
3. The same disease must result when the microo­rganism is inoculated into a healthy host
4. The same microo­rganism must be isolated from the infected host
What is a pure culture?
A medium used to isolated suspected bacterial pathogens
Why are pure cultures important to Koch's postul­ates?
- To isolate suspected bacterial pathogens
- Agar is not broken down by most bacteria
- Agar will not melt until it reach 100c and will only solidify if it reach 50c