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Physical Ergonomics3 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by [deleted]

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

3 types of muscles

Smooth muscles
around organs, involu­ntary movement
Cardiac muscles
hard to fatigue, special kind of cell
Skeletal muscles
attached to skeleton

4 main functions skeletal muscles

- movement
- joint stabil­ization
- body temper­ature (shive­ring)
- protection of soft tissue

Muscle parts

The belly of the muscle can contract and is connected to the tendons, which are in turn connected to the bones.
When a muscle is two-headed, it means that it is connected by tendons on two different points.

Muscles spanning joints

- monoar­ticular = spans one joint
- biarti­cular = spans two joints
- polyar­ticular = spans more joints. EX: foot

Muscle fibers

There are two different fibers in the muscle, the actin filments, and the myosine filments, that have cross bridges that make them able to connect and slide over de actin.

Parall­el/­penate muscles

Parallel muscle runs from tendon to tendon, penate muscles have a central tendon with muscle fibers attached to that (ex: hamstr­ings, triceps)

Difference is: penate muscles can produce more force, because the amount of muscle fibers is much bigger

Skeletal muscles

Functions skeletal muscles

adduction & antefl­exion arms
flexion & supination elbow
flexion torso
Extension knee
Dorsal flexion
abduction arms
J (top)
elevation shoulder girdle
retraction shoulder girdle
depression shoulder girdle
Extension elbow
Extension hip
Flexion knee
Plantar flexion

Motor unit

Consists of a motor neuron and the part of the muscle it controls. The motor neuron starts in the spinal cord. The more motor units you have, the better you can control your muscles.

Parall­el/­penate muscles

Parallel muscles can produce a bigger range of motion as the muscle fibers are much longer.
Penate muscles are much stronger because they have short but many muscle fibers.

3 kinds of muscle contra­ctures

Active, muscle is length­ening while under load.
Active, muscle is shortening under load
Active, muscle contracts but does not shorten or lengthen under load

Names skeletal muscles

A Pectoralis Major
(major chest muscle)
B Biceps
(ceps=­head, so twoheaded muscle)
C Rectus Abdominus
(straight muscle in belly)
E Quadriceps
(fourh­eaded muscle)
F Tibialis Anterior
(front of tibia/­sch­een­been)
H Deltoïdeus
J Trapezius
(Diamant shape)
K Triceps
M Gluteus Maximus
(biggest muscle of butt)
N Hamstrings
O Triceps sureae
(three­headed muscle lower leg)

Connective tissue

The tendon is connective tissue that connects muscle fibers through the whole muscle but extends to the bone.
When training, you increase the amount of muscle fibers.

Passive vs active force

The tension in the muscles are relative to the stretch of the muscles. Active forces get weaker when the muscle is stretched more (because filaments can't use their full force anymore), and passive forces go up when the muscles are stretched to prevent excessive movement.

4 kinds of equili­brium

Always slowly returns to equili­brium, EX: spring
Does not return to equili­brium
Is not affected by anything
Movement of one joint means that another joint needs to change to keep equili­brium