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Calva VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by [deleted]

All the keyboard shortcuts for VS Code Calva

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Run namespace tests
ctrl+alt+v t
Run all tests
ctrl+alt+v ctrl+t
Rerun previously failing tests
ctrl+alt+v ctrl+t


Selection of current form
ctrl+alt+v s
to control linter
"­cal­va.l­in­tOn­Sav­e": true

Code Evaluation

Evaluate code and show the results as annotation in the editor
ctrl+alt+v e
Evaluate code and replace it in the editor, inline
ctrl+alt+v r
Pretty printing evaluation resuls
ctrl+alt+v p

REPL in the Terminal tab

Switch to current namespace in the terminal REPL
ctrl+alt+v n
Load current namespace in the terminal REPL
ctrl+alt+v alt+n
Evaluate code from the editor to the terminal REPL
ctrl+alt+v alt+e