Vectors, Matricies, Indexing
R |
Description |
a=[1 2 3 4]; |
a <- c(1,2,3,4) |
Row vector |
a=[1;2;3;4] OR a=[1 2 3 4]'; |
a <- t(c(1,2,3,4)) |
Column vector |
a=[1 2 3; 4 5 6]; |
matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE) |
Matrix, enter by row |
a=[1 2 3; 4 5 6]; |
matrix(c(1,4,2,5,3,6),nrow=2) |
Matrix, enter by column |
a(3) |
a[3] |
Access element #3 |
a=[2:7]; |
a <- 2:7 OR a <- c(2:7) |
Vector [2 3 4 5 6 7] |
a=[7:-1:2]; |
a <- 7:2 |
Vector [7 6 5 4 3 2] |
a=[2:3:14]; |
a <- seq(2,14,3) |
Vector [2 5 8 11 14] |
x=linspace(a,b,n); |
x <- seq(a,b,length.out=n) OR seq(a,b,len=n) |
Vector with n equally spaced values between a and b, inclusive |
a=zeros(a,1) OR a=zeros(1,a) |
a <- rep(0,k) |
Vector of length k with all zeros |
a=jones(a,1) OR a=jones(1,a) |
a <- rep(j,k) |
Vecot of length k with all values j |
a=zeros(m,n) |
matrix(0,nrow=m,ncol=n) OR matrix(0,m,n) |
Matrix of all zeros, size m by n |
a=j*ones(m,n) |
matrix(j,m,n) |
Matrix of all j, size m by n |
a=[a1 a2]; |
a <- cbind(a1,a2) |
"Glue" two matricies a1 and a2 together (same # of rows) |
[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y) |
m=length(x); n=length(y); X=matrix(rep(x,each=n),nrow=n); Y=matrix(rep(y,m),nrow=n) |
X rows are copies of x, Y columns are copies of y |
A(:,2) |
A[,2] |
Column 2 of matrix A |
A(7,:) |
A[7,] |
Row 7 of matrix A |
fliplr(A) |
t(apply(A,1,rev)) |
Flip the order of elements in each row of matrix A |
flipud(A) |
apply(A,2,rev) |
Flip the order of elements in each column of matrix A |
v(a:end) |
v[a:length(v)] |
Extract elements of v from positon a to end |
No simple way |
v[c(-j,-k)] |
All but the jth and kth elements of v |
A = reshape(A,m,n) |
dim(A) <- c(m,n) |
Reshape matrix A into an m by n matrix (take elements columnwise from original matrix A) |
Cell Array/List
R |
Description |
v=cell(1,n); v{1}=12; v{2}='hi there'; v{3}=rand(3); |
v <- vectorÂ('lÂistÂ',n); v[[1]]=12; v[[2]]='hi there'; v[[3]] = matrixÂ(ruÂnifÂ(9),3) |
Vector of length n capable of containing different data types in different elements (aka cell or list) |
w=v{i} |
w=v[[i]] |
Extract the ith element of cell/list vector |
No names associated with elements of cell arrays |
names(Âv)[3] <- 'myranÂdmaÂtrix' |
Set the name of the ith element in a list |
No names associated with elements of cell arrays |
names(v) |
See all names of elements in list |
No names associated with elements of cell arrays |
names(v) = NULL |
Clear all names |
Structures/Data Frames
avals=2*ones(1,6); yvals=6:-1:1; v=[1 5 3 2 3 7]; d = struct('a',avals,'y',yvals,'fac',v); |
v <- c(1,5,3,2,3,7); d <- data.frame(cbind(a=2, y=6:1,v)) |
Create a matrix-like object with different named columns (structure in MATLAB, data frame in R) |
Basic Computation
R |
Description |
a=1; b=2; |
a <- 1; b <- 2; |
Variable assignment |
a+b; a*b; a^b; etc |
a+b; a*b; a^b; etc. |
Add, subtract, multiply, divide, power |
-- |
a %/% b |
Integer division |
abs(a); exp(a); log(a); log10(a); |
abs(a); exp(a); log(a); log10(a); |
absolute value, e, ln, log base 10 |
sin(a); asin(a); sinh(a); asinh(a); |
sin(a); asin(a); sinh(a); asinh(a); |
sin, inverse sin, hyperbolic sin, inverse hyperbolic sin |
mod(n,k) |
n %% k |
Remainder |
round(x), floor(x), ceil(x) |
round(x), floor(x), ceil(x) |
Round, round down, round up |
sign(x) |
sign(x) |
Sign of x (+1, 0, or -1) |
Matrix Computations
R |
Description |
dot(x,y) |
sum(x*y) |
Vector dot product |
cross(x,y) |
xprod in RSEIS package |
Vector cross product |
A*B |
A %*% B |
Matrix multiplication AB |
A.*B |
A*B |
Element-by-element multiplication of A and B |
A\b |
solve(A,b) |
Solve Ax=b |
mean(v), mean(A(:)) |
mean(v) or mean(A) |
Mean of all elements in vector or matrix |
mean(A), sum(A) |
colMeans(A), colSums(A) |
Means or sums of columns in a matrix |
mean(A,2), sum(A,2) |
rowMeans(A), rowSums(A) |
Means or sums of rows in a matrix |
std(v), std(A(:)) |
sd(v), sd(c(A)) |
Standard deviation of all elements in a vector of matrix, normalized by (n-1) |
std(A) |
sd(A) |
Standard deviations of columns of a matrix |
std(A,2) |
apply(A,1,sd) |
Standard deviations of rows of a matrix |
min(v), min(A(:)) |
min(v), min(A) |
Minimum of all elements in vector or matrix |
min(A) |
apply(A,2,min) |
Minimum value in each column of A |
min(A,[],2) |
apply(A,1,min) |
Minimum value in each row of matrix A |
min(A,c) |
pmin(A,c) |
Given matrix A and scalar c, compute a matrix where each element is the minimum of c and corresponding element of A |
[y,ind]=min(v) |
ind = which.min(v) |
Find index of the first time min(v) appears in v and store that index as ind |
size(A,1) |
nrow(A) |
Number of rows in A |
size(A,2) |
ncol(A) |
Number of columns in A |
size(A) |
dim(A) |
Dimensions of A, listed as a vector |
length(v) |
length(v) |
Number of elements in vector |
numel(A) |
length(A) |
Number of elements in matrix |
sort(v) |
sort(v) |
Sort values in vector v |
[s,idx]=sort(v) |
tmp <- sort(v,index,return=TRUE); s <- tmp$s; idx=tmp$ix |
Sort values in v, putting sorted values in s and indicies in idx, in teh sense that s[k] = x[idx[k]] |
find(v>5) |
which(v>5) |
List of indicies of each element of v which are greater than 5 |
[r,c] = find(A>5) |
w <- which(A>5, arr.ind=TRUE); r <- w[,1]; c <- w[,2]; |
Generate r and c giving rows and columns of elements of A which are greater than 5 |
Relationals and Logicals
R |
Description |
a == b; a < b; a >= b; etc. |
a == b; a < b; a >= b; etc. |
eq, gt, lt, gte, lte |
a ~= b |
a != b |
Not equal |
a && b; a || b; |
a && b; a || b; |
~a |
!a |
Not |
GUI Commands
R |
Description |
clear all |
rm(list=ls()) |
Clear all variables |
close all | |
Close all figures |
clc |
ctrl+L |
Clear console |