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random tasks Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by [deleted]

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Node Package Manager (NPM)

NPM is used to install javascript tools for server side, or dev tool usage. NPM hosts packages for client and server (typically called browserify compat­­ible) but they must be installed via JSPM commands. The contents and commands related to a node package are all stored within the packag­e.json file in its root.

NPM Commands

npm --help
install package from https:­//w­ww.n­pm­
npm install packag­ename --save
install internal package (windows cli)
npm install friend­lyN­ame­=%w­git­%re­pos­ito­ry.git
update installed version
npm update [frien­dlyname e.g. packag­ename]
run a command from packag­e.c­onfig under the scripts section
npm run [comma­ndname]

NPM Tasks

Delete a package
delete the package entry from packag­e.c­onfig, and run "npm prune" to remove stale libraries
Install global package
tools to be used standalone from the comman­d-line can be installed with -g or --global, which installs them next to your npm executable instead of in the current project

Javascript Package Manager (JSPM)

JSPM is a package manager that installs packages in a format understood by SystemJs. It was designed to allow packages to be pulled from any config­urable endpoint (githu­b/n­pm/­private reposi­tor­ies), in a way that allows for versioning and depend­encies across systems.

JSPM Commands

jspm --help
jspm install packag­ename
install package from windsor
jspm install friend­lyN­ame­=wi­nds­or:­rep­o-n­ame.git
install package from npm https:­//w­ww.n­pm­
jspm install npm:pa­cka­geName
install package from github
jspm install github­:us­er/­rep­oname
update installed version
jspm update [frien­­dl­yname e.g. packag­­ename]
remove package
jspm uninstall packag­eName

JSPM Tasks

install file loader
For loading non-js files using custom loaders, set install with friend­lyname as the file extension ex: jspm install html=text (to load html as a string using the text loader). Used in code by placing a trailing ! after the extension ex: import 'test.h­tml!';


SystemJs is a runtime package loader. Its config­uration is found in config.js (by default), or the file specified as the jspm config file in packag­e.j­son.It loads javascript packages via javascript commands to make their services available. It is comparable to existing loaders such as commonjs, requirejs, and webpack.

Features of SystemJS include:
optional transp­ilation of es6 syntax via plugins
package version management
non-js content loaders
production build capability into standalone js file, or multiple module formats

SystemJs Config

adds js after files in import statem­ents. This is deprec­ated, it must be true currently, but will be false in the future, so always explicitly specify file extens­ions.
plugin used to convert es6 into javascript
created by jspm to lookup packages in file structure, do not modify
overrides for working with incomp­atible packages (ex: allows making JQuery a global for plugins that don't know how to load it as a module)
maps package names to files/­folders generally managed by JSPM and should not be modified

Bullet to Demystify the Package Tree Mental Model

Ideally everything is a package, including your SPA (its entry point is the act of loading index.h­tml)
Packages always have a single entry point, and option­ally, childr­en/­des­cen­dants.
The topmost package will not support es6 until browsers do, because of this, the topmost package must use the SystemJs global to load its children
Packages only need references to children that they work with directly, all other descen­dants are taken care of automa­tic­ally.
A production package (SPA) is just the entry point to the top level package (all descendant code is present, but techni­cally obscur­ed/­pri­vate).

Using Javascript Packages

For thinking about javascipt packages in .Net terms:

packag­e.json defines a main file which is the entry point to the package. This file (generally index.js) should contain exports for all public classes within the package. This makes a package equivalent to a .Net dll, where all of the public classes are listed in index.js.

Class / Service:
Export from a single js file.

Sharing code:
Import statements are like "­usi­ng" statements but they aren't optional because javascript has no concept of automatic sharing within namesp­aces.

index.js example:
import Class1 from './lib­/cl­ass­1.js';

import Service1 from './lib­/se­rvi­ce1.js';

export {Class1, Service1};

class1.js example:
import Service2 from './ser­vic­e2.js';

export default function thething{ Servic­e2.l­og('oh yeah');}

Top Level Package:
When loading a package into a browser, because ES6 syntax is not yet supported, systemjs has a global with an import method which returns a promise with the resulting module. In production this is not required because Systemjs will compile the package into a single js file which can be loaded using a script tag.

var lodash = null;­por­t('­lod­ash­').t­hen(

  functi­on(­res­ult){ lodash = result;}



Promises are a simple way of performing async code in javasc­ript. They are included natively in most browsers, and easily polyfilled in non-co­mpliant browsers. Complex promise libraries should not be used as polyfills for the same reason it is dangerous to extend other native JS browser objects.

Promises (Extremely Basic) Usage

Create a promise from a value
var promise = Promis­e.r­eso­lve­(value)
Do something when a promise resolves or rejects
promis­e.t­hen­(fu­nction fulfil­led­(va­lue){}, function reject­ed(­err){})
Do something when a promise rejects
promis­e.c­atc­h(f­unction reject­ed(­err){})
Resolve an array of promises (can also contain raw values)
Promis­e.a­ll(­[va­lue­1,p­rom­ise­1]).th­en(­fun­ction fulfil­led­(ar­g){­/*a­rg[­0]=­value1 arg[1]­=result of promis­e1*/})
Basic Rules inside a "­the­n":
1. If a promise is returned, the returned promise will be resolved and used for the next "­the­n".
2. If a value is returned, it will be passed to the next then.
3. If an error is thrown, or promise rejected, the chain will skip to the next "­the­n" or "­cat­ch" that handles the error.
4. Promis­e.all rejects if any promises reject.

Better docume­ntation here: https:­//d­eve­lop­er.m­oz­ill­a.o­rg/­en-­US/­doc­s/W­eb/­Jav­aSc­rip­t/R­efe­ren­ce/­Glo­bal­_Ob­jec­ts/­Promise


Semver is a versioning scheme used across most package management systems. It is used within a package to specify when patches, minor features, and breaking changes occur. It is used by package managers to specify which versions of a package are considered compat­ible, and what the allowed automa­tic­-up­grade path should be.

Package managers and semver

Package managers install the latest version of a depend­ency, that meets all of the requir­ements of other depend­encies.
Package relies on lodash@1 (any release of lodash major version 1)
The latest release of lodash is 1.6.8.
Package contains 1.6.8 as installed depend­ency.
Package adds a dependency "­foo­" that requires lodash­@1.5.2 (this is hypoth­etical, 3rd party sources generally lock on major version only)
Package now contains lodash­@1.5.2 which meets requir­ements of both.

There are also generally devices for locking versions and solving conflicts built into every package manager, but use cases are for extreme legacy support and generally semver results in smooth upgrade paths making them unnece­ssary.

Semver (2.0) Syntax Inside A Package

Version format *1
When you change something and tests break or you don't believe in testing but you still pretend to be collab­orative
npm version major
When you add something and no tests break
npm version minor
When you fix a bug
npm version patch
*1 The leading v on versions is ignored, but some providers aren't smart about how that gets handled so it should always be included on git tags to remain standard in our code.

Semver has many more featur­es/­options for complex flows that we probably shouldn't waste our time on.

Semver (2.0) Syntax Consuming A Package

npm package format
"­dep­end­enc­ies­": { "­pac­kag­eNa­me": "­ver­sio­n" }
jspm package format
"­dep­end­enc­ies­": { "­pac­kag­eNa­me": "­whe­ret­ofi­ndp­ack­age­@ve­rsi­on" }
npm installed from git format *1
"­dep­end­enc­ies­": { "­pac­kag­eNa­me": "­git­+re­pou­rlw­ith­rea­don­lyc­red­ent­ial­s#v­ers­ion­(with leading v)" }
~ prefix
Allows patch-­level changes if a minor version is specified on the compar­ator. Allows minor-­level changes if not.
^ prefix
Allows changes that do not modify the left-most non-zero digit
Partial Version
Includes all versions that match the present parts. ex: 1 = 1.1.0 or 1.5.4 but not 2.anyt­hin­g.a­nything
*1 npm packages installed directly from git use git tags directly and don't pay attention to semver, so it is best to just force move a major version tag until switching to the next major version. Npm git provider should only be used for internal dev tools so versioning is not overly important.