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Dungeons & Dragons 5e Basics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Basic concepts for D&D 5e.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Ability Scores

Strength Your ability to apply force to your enviro­nment. Muscle.
Dexterity Your ability to maneuver through your enviro­nment. Agility.
Consti­tution Your ability to withstand harm. Stamina.
Intell­igence Your ability to recall and analyze inform­ation. Intellect.
Wisdom Your ability to gather inform­ation about your surrou­ndings. Insight.
Charisma Your ability to influence others and your own state of mind. Leader­ship.
Ability Scores are the numbers which determine your base abilities. They are seldom used directly. Instead they determine the modifiers (pluses and minuses) you apply to your die rolls.

Advantage and Disadv­antage

Advantage use the higher of 2d20.
Disadv­antage use the lower of 2d20.
The GM may grant Advantage or Disadv­antage on a d20 roll to succeed or fail at an action. In this case, roll two d20.

House Rules

Critical Hit
If you roll a 20 on an Attack, inflict maximum damage, then roll again for additional damage.

Combat Attacks

Announce your target.
Roll d20.
Critical Rolls
A 1 on the d20 always fails. A 20 always succeeds.
Add your modifier (STR or DEX) and any profic­iency bonus.
If the result meets or exceeds your target's Armor Class, the attack will hit.
Roll the damage to your target using the weapon's damage dice.
Attacks made by casting spells use a similar process to determine whether they hit. The spellc­aster rolls 1d20 + spellc­asting modifier + profic­iency. See spell descri­ptions for more inform­ation.


Rolls in D&D

Attack Roll
To attempt to hit an enemy with an attack, the player rolls a d20
Initiative Roll
At the beginning of combat, each character rolls to determine their turn order in the fight.
Ability Check
The GM may ask a player to roll to determine whether their character can accomplish a task.
Saving Throw
If a character is caught in a dangerous situation, the GM may require the player to roll to try to avoid damage.
Rolls of the d20 determine success or failure in D&D. Characters with natural abilities, learned skills, or magical aids may have modifiers which increase their odds of success. Negative modifiers such as weakne­sses, diffic­ulties, or curses will decrease their chances.

Hit Points, Armor, Damage

Hit Points show how healthy you are. At your maximum hit points, you are undamaged. As you suffer harm, hit points will be removed from your maximum until you heal.
Hit Dice represent your ability to recover from damage during a day's adventure. When you take a short rest, you can spend your hit dice to recover hit points.
Armor Class indicates how difficult you are to hit due to your armor, shields, dodging ability and other factors. Higher is better.
Short Rest is a period of an hour or more during a day when characters can heal, rest, or study spells.
Long Rest is an 8-hour rest during which the character can heal fully (all HP and Hit Dice are restored) and study spells, if applic­able.

Actions During a Turn

up to your speed, in one or more segments of motion.

In addition to your movement, you can perform one of the following actions:
one or more times depending on your abilities.
a spell with a casting time of 1 action.
a distance equal to 2X your modified speed.
Dis- engage
from an enemy without inviting an attack of opport­unity.
attacks, causing the attack­er(s) to roll at disadv­antage. Also gain advantage to any DEX saving throws.
an ally with an action or attack, granting them advantage on their roll to perform it.
by succeeding at a Stealth check.
an action to perform when you perceive a chosen "­tri­gge­r."
for an item. May require a Perception or Invest­igation check.
Use an Object
for some purpose. This may require making a roll.
During your turn, you can make one or more moves equaling a distance up to your speed and take an action.
You may also have special abilities that allow you take a reaction or a bonus action.