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Conic Sections Cheat Sheet by

Graphics sourced from these websites: Conic Cross-Sections Labelled Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola

Parabolas with vertex (h,k)

Opening up/down
Vertical Focus
(h, k+p)
Opening right/left
Horizontal Focus
(h+p, k)
Any point on a parabola is equidi­stant from the parabola's focus and directrix

Conic Cross-­Sec­tions Diagram

Parabola opening upwards


Circle­s/E­llipses with center (h,k)

Circle Focus
Circle Vertices
Wide Ellipse
Wide Foci
(h±c, k)
Wide Vertices
(h±a, k±b)
Tall Ellipse
Tall Foci
(h, k±c)
Tall Vertices
(h±b, k±a)
c²=a²-b² and |a|≥|b­|>0
Formulas for foci generate two different points (+c and -c), and formulas for vertices generate four different vertices: (h+a,k) (h-a,k) (h,k+b) and (h,k-b)
Distances between a focal point to any point on the ellipse, plus the distance of the other focal point to that same point on the ellipse, gives a sum of distances that is constant for any point on the ellipse

Wide Ellipse


Hyperbolas with center (h,k)

Pair opening left and right
Horizontal Foci
(h±c, k)
Horizontal Vertices
(h±a, k)
Pair opening up and down
Vertical Foci
(h, k±c)
Vertical Vertices
(h, k±a)
c²=a²+b², |a|≠0, |b|≠0
Formulas for foci generate two different points (+c and -c), formulas for vertices generate two different points (+a and -a), and formulas for asymptotes generate two different asymptotes (+(a/b) and -(a/b) or +(b/a) and -(b/a))
Distance of a focal point to a point on either hyperbola branch, minus distance of the other focal point to that same point on that same hyperbola branch, gives a value whose magnitude is constant for any point on either hyperbola branch

Horizontal Pair of Hyperbolas

Horizontal Hyperbola Asymptotes



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