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Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat Sheet for Work - Not a final draft

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Clinical Condition Abbrev­iations

AACG: Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
ACG: Angle Closure Glaucoma
AMD/ARMD: Age Related Macular Degene­ration
CAG: Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma
CAT: Cataract
CME: Cystoid Macular Edema
COAG: Chronic Open Angle Glaucoma
CA: Corneal Abrasion
DES: Dry Eye Syndrome
DM: Diabetes Mellitus
DME: Diabetic Macular Edema
DR: Diabetic Retino­pathy
ERM: Epiretinal Membrane
FB: Foreign Body
GLC: Glaucoma
GPC: Giant Papillary Conjun­cti­vitis
HSV: Herpes Simplex Viruys
IDDM: Insulin Dependent DM
IOFB: Intrao­cular Foreign Body
IOL: Intrao­cular Lens
IOP: Intrao­cular Pressure
KC: Kerato­conus
KCS: Kerato­con­jun­cti­vitis Sicca
LD: Lattice Degene­ration
LTG: Low-te­nsion Glaucoma
MGD: Meibomian Gland Dysfun­ction
MH: Macular Hole
NIDDM: Non-in­sulin Dependent DM
NS: Nuclear Sclerosis
NTG: Normal Tension Glaucoma
OHT: Ocular Hypert­ension
PDR: Prolif­erative Diabetic Retino­pathy
POAG: Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
PVD: Posterior Vitreous Detachment
RD: Retinal Detachment
RT: Retinal Tear
SCH: Subcon­jun­ctival Hemorrhage
SMH: Sub macular Hemorrhage
SPK: Superf­icial Punctate Keratitis
SUB HEME: Subcon­jun­ctival Hemorrhage

Pre-Te­sti­ng/­Dia­gnostic Machines

Auto-R­efr­action (ARK):
Baseline prescr­iption by measuring how light is affected as it reflects through the eye.
Non-Co­ntact Tonometry (NCT)
Measures the pressure inside the eye. Records the resistance of your corneas to the pressure.
Analyze the health of the Meibomian glands. Could help indicate an abnorm­­ality or blockage of the glands.
Tear Lab:
Measures the salt concen­­tr­ation in tears to aid in the diagnosis of dry eye diseas­­es­/­o­cular surface diseases.
Optos: (screener = out of pocket)
Takes a 200' image of the back of the eye, which is needed to document the health of the optic nerve, vitreous, macula & it's blood vessels.
Fundus: (billable to medical)
Same as above, done when pt has known medical diagnosis.
Visual Field: (VF)
Used in detect­­io­n­/­di­­agnosis of Glaucoma, AMD, Scotomas & brain abnorm­­al­i­ties. Test's the full horizontal and vertical field of peripheral vision, identi­­fying potential diminished or blind spots (scotomas) in the patients' vision.
Optical Coherence Tomography: (OCT)*
Non-in­­vasive imaging tests. They use light waves to take cross-­­se­ction pictures of your retina. With OCT, your ophtha­­lm­o­l­ogist can see each of the retina's distin­­ctive layers.
Oculus Kerato­graph
An advanced corneal topogr­­apher with a built-in real kerato­­meter and a color camera optimized for external imaging. Unique features include examining the meibomian glands, non-in­­vasive tear film break-up time and the tear meniscus height measur­­ement and evaluating the lipid layer.

Drug/T­rea­tment Abbrev­iat­ion's

qd = every day
bid = twice a day
tid = three times a day
qid = four times a day
qh = every hour
qXh = every X hour
prn = as needed
qn = every night
qhs = at bedtime
A.d. = as directed
gtt(s) = drops (1 mL = 20 drops)
ung = ointment
otc = over the counter
wc = warm compresses
AT's = artificial tears
PFAT's = preser­vative free artificial tears

Visual Abbrev­iations

VA = visual acuity
D & N = distance & near
BCVA = best corrected vision
ACC = accomo­dative
REF = refraction
NR = non refractive
PH = pinhole
PHNI = pin hole no improv­ement
CF = counting fingers
HM = hand motion
LP = light perception
NLP = no light perception
NI = no improv­ement

Other Charting Abbrev­iations

FH = family history
H&P = history & physical
H/O = history of
LEE = last eye exam
NKA = no known allergies
NKDA = no known drug allergies
RTC = return to clinic
Sx = symptoms
Hx = history
Dx = diagnosis
TBUT = tear break up time