libro |
book |
escritorio |
desk |
la pizarra |
board |
el sacapuntas |
sharpener |
el borrador |
board eraser |
el globe |
globe |
la mapa |
map |
el sujetapapel |
paper clips |
la agenda |
agenda |
el estudiante |
student |
las tijeras |
scissors |
el papel |
paper |
la bandera |
flag |
el diccionario |
dictionary |
un lapiz |
pencil |
los marcadores |
markers |
el pegamento |
glue |
el calculadora |
calculator |
la cinta |
tape |
la clase |
class |
la computadora |
computer |
la goma |
eraser for paper |
la grapadora |
stapler |
la impressora |
printer |
la libreta |
binder |
la mochila |
book bag |
la silla |
chair |
la pluma |
pen |
la pregunta |
question |
la regula |
ruler |
el sujetapapeles |
staples |
Created By
Zero stars -- every accent mark is missing, SPECIFIC ERRORS include: la mapa is a masculine noun (correct version is el mapa), la regula is not a noun in Spanish (ruler = la regla), el globe is a mix of Spanish and English (should be el globo). Shall I go on? I wouldn't use this cheat sheet for any reason at all.
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