¿De donde es? |
Where are you from? (fam) |
¿De donde eres tu? |
Where are you from? (form) |
Soy de... |
i am from... |
¿como eres tu? |
what are you like? (fam) |
¿como es usted? |
what are you like (form) |
yo soy... |
i am... |
¿Cual es tu nacionalidad? |
Whats your nationality |
estadounidense |
from the US |
canadiense |
canadian |
ruso/a |
russian |
chino/a |
Chinese |
puertorriqueño/a |
puerto rican |
costarricense |
costa rican |
norteamericano/a |
(north)American |
Cubano/a |
cuban |
mexicano/a |
Mexican |
ecuatoriano/a |
ecuadorian |
japonés, japonesa |
japanese |
espanol/a |
spanish |
italiano/a |
italian |
frances/a |
french |
aleman/a |
German |
ingles,inglesa |
english |
argentino/a |
argentine |
aburrido |
bored |
alegre |
joyriding |
cansado |
tired |
confundido |
confused |
contento |
content |
desesperado |
desperate |
enamorado |
in love |
enfermo |
sick |
enjado/enofadado |
mad/upset |
feliz |
happy |
intranquilo |
restless |
irritado |
irritated |
nervioso |
nervous |
tranquilo |
calm/tranquil |
triste |
sad |
Alto/a |
tall |
bajo/ja |
short |
guapo/a |
good-looking |
simpatico/a |
friendly |
listo/a |
ready, smart |
gracioso/a |
funny |
chevere |
cool |
serio/a |
serious |
athletico/a |
athletic |
reservado/a |
reserved, shy |
sociable |
social |
perezoso/a |
lazy |
trabajador/a |
hard-working |
inteligente |
inteligent |
interesante |
interesting |
malo/a, desagradable |
mean |
¿que te gusta?
¿Que te gusta hacer? |
What do you like to do? |
Me gusta/ no me gusta... |
I like/ don't like |
Me gusta mucho |
I really like... |
no me gusta nada |
i don't all |
me encanta/n |
i love.. |
hablar |
to talk |
cantar |
to sing |
verde |
green eyes |
amarillo/a |
yellow |
azul |
blue eyes |
blanco/a |
white |
negro/a |
black |
rojo/a |
red |
celeste |
light blue |
morado/a |
purple |
oscuro/a |
dark |
claro/a |
light |
pelirrojo/a |
red-headed |
rubio/a |
blond |
moreno/a, castano/a |
brunette |
¿Como eres?
Yo tengo |
I have... |
el pelo negro |
black hair... |
los ojos azules |
blue eyes |
los ojos verdes |
green eyes |
los ojos morenos/ cafe |
brown eyes |
los ojos avellanos/miel |
hazel eyes |
el pelo corto |
short hair |
el pelo largo |
long hair |
-er,-ir verbs
escribir |
to write |
leer |
to write |
to drink |
to drink |
comprender |
to understand |
comer |
to eat |
vivir |
to live |
recibir |
to receive |
describir |
to describe |
decidir |
to decide |
Created By
Zero stars -- virtually every accent mark is missing, capitalization doesn't follow rules for Spanish, SPECIFIC ERRORS include: alegre
does not mean joyriding; it means happy, athletico/a is misspelled (there's no h in Spanish word), verde does not mean green eye; azul does not mean blue eyes (they mean green and blue, respectively). Shall I go on? I wouldn't use this cheat sheet for any reason at all.
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