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Self-Care Exam 1 Cheat Sheet by

This list contains OTC medication that is used for Self-Care

Exclusion Criteria for Consti­pation Self-Care

Age < 2 years old
● Dark, tarry or bloody stool
● Daily laxative use
● Fever/­Nau­sea­/vo­miting
● Anorexia
● Chronic medical condition that precludes self-care laxative treatment
● Severe abdominal disten­tion, cramping, or pain
● Severe or unexpl­ained flatulence
● Severe change in stool character
● Unexpl­ained bowel habit changes, especially with weight loss
● Bowel symptoms that continue for >2 weeks OR recur over 3 months or longer
● Bowel symptoms that persist after dietary or lifestyle changes or laxative use

Non-Ph­arm­aco­logical Treatment (FIRST­-LINE)

Lifestyle changes
‣ Balanced Diet
Fiber: 14g per 1,000kcal -OR-
Women: 25 g/day
Men: 38 g/day
Fluid Intake
‣ 2 L water/day
‣ Pregnancy: extra 300 mL/day
‣ Lactating: extra 750 - 1,000 mL/day
‣ 150 minute­s/week
Bowel Training
‣ Regula­rly­-sc­heduled attempts (Usually first thing in the morning)

SHELBS for Consti­pation

Liquid and solid (PO), Liquid (rectal)
‣ Mag Citrate/Hydroxide/Sulfate
‣ Dibasi­c/M­ono­basic Sodium phosphate
Draw water into the intest­ine­/colon (PO) via Osmosis
→ increase intral­uminal pressure
→ promote GI motility
‣ Glycerin (Rectal Suppository/Enema)
‣ PEG 3350 (PO powder)
Large, poorly­-ab­sorbed ions/m­ole­cules draw water into the colon and rectum via osmosis
(aka Stool Softeners)
‣ Docusate Sodium­/Ca­lcium (PO Capsule and Syrup)
Anionic Surfac­tants
‣ Mineral oil (PO/PR Liquid)
Coats stool and prevent colonic absorption of fecal water
→ softens fecal contents
Bulk-F­orming (DOC)
‣ Methyl­cel­lulose, polyca­rbo­phil, psylli­um-­con­taining products (PO)
(Mimic what the body does naturally) Absorb water in intestine
→ provides bulk
→ promotes perist­alsis
‣ Senna, Bisacodyl (PO Caps/Tabs; PR Supp.)
(Increase gastric motility in colon)
Local irritation of mucosa or more selective action on intramural nerve plexus of intestinal smooth muscle + increased water and electr­olyte secretion by the intestine

Fast vs. Slow Relief OTC

Faster Relief
(within 15 min - 6 hours)
‣ Mineral oil (PR): 5-15 minutes
Saline Laxatives
‣ Magnesium citrate (PR): 2-15 min
‣ Magnesium citrate (PO): 30 min - 3 hours
‣ Magnesium hydroxide: 30 min-6 hours
‣ Glycerin (PR): 15-30 minutes
‣ Bisacodyl (PR): 15-60 minutes
‣ Senna (PO): 6-10 hours
‣ Bisacodyl (PO): 6-10 hours
Slower Relief
(6+ hours, up to 72 hours)
Bulk-F­orming Agents
‣ Methyl­cel­lulose, Polyca­rbo­phil, Psylli­um-­con­taining products (PO): 12-24 hours, up to 72 hours
Emollients (Stool Softeners)
‣ Docusate Na/Ca: 12-72 hours, up to 3-5 days
‣ Mineral oil (PO): 6-8 hours
‣ PEG 3350 (PO): 12-72 hours (up to 96 hours)

Contra­ind­ica­tion, Caution, and DDI with OTC

‣ Intolerant of fluid loss, Electr­olyte imbala­nces, Renal impair­ment, Newborns, Older adults, or CHF (sodium phosphate)
‣ PR Sodium phosphate: megacolon, GI obstru­ction, anus perfor­ation, colostomy
PEG 3350: Caution in renal disease, IBS
Glycerin: Pre-ex­isting rectal irritation
(aka Stool Softeners)
Caution: Electr­olyte imbalances
Avoid in: < 6 years, Pregnancy, Bedridden, Older adults, Difficulty swallo­wing, Risk for aspiration because Risk of Lipid Pneumonia when taken PO
DDIs: Fat-so­luble vitamins (ADEK) and Docusate (emoll­ient)
Bulk-F­orming (DOC)
Avoid in: Difficulty swallo­wing, esophageal strict­ures, intestinal ulcera­tio­ns/­ste­nos­is/­dis­abling adhesions, and psyllium allergy
Caution: Renal disease (calcium content), diabetes, restricted caloric intake, fluid intake
DDIs: Digoxin, Anti-c­oag­ulants, Salicy­lates (separate by 2 hours)
Senna: Melanotic pigmen­tation of colonic mucosa, may discolor urine (pink/­red­/vi­ole­t/b­rown)

Special Popula­tions

Mild consti­pation
‣ Dietary Modifi­cat­ions: > 2 yo extra fiber intake = (age + 5 g/day)
‣ Behavioral Modifi­cat­ions: establish regular stooling time (if toilet trained)
IF Modifi­cations insuff­icient in 2 – 6 years old
PO: Senna, Docusate sodium, Magnesium hydroxide
Rectal: Glycerin, mineral oil, sodium phosphate
IF Modifi­cations insuff­icient in 6 – 12 years old
PO: Senna, Docusate sodium, Magnesium hydroxide, bulk-f­orming, mineral oil, Magnesium (any formul­ation), Bisacodyl
Rectal: Glycerin, mineral oil, sodium phosphate, Bisacodyl
Goal: Achieve soft stools WITHOUT laxative use
First-line: Dietary (increase fibers)
Second­-line: Bulk-f­orming with plenty of fluid, Docusate, PEG 3350, (maybe short-­term) Senna/Bisacodyl
Breast­feeding: Senna, Bisacodyl, PEG 3350, Docusate
Older Adults
Bulk-f­orming Laxative (Avoid in dehydr­ation, frailty, bedridden, unable to maintain hydration)
‣ If bulk-f­orming is contra­ind­icated: PEG 3350 or Docusate
‣ AVOID: Mineral oil and Saline because of fluid and electr­olyte imbalance


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