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Geometry Unit 10 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Holt McDougal Chapter 12

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


interior of a circle
the set of all points inside the circle
exterior of a circle
the set of all points outside the circle
a segment whose endpoints lie in a circle
a line that intersects a circle at two points
a line in the same plane as a cicle that intersects it at exactly one point
point of tangency
the point where the tangent and a circle intersect is called the point of tangency
common tangent
a line that is tangent to two circles
central angle
an angle whose vertex is the center of a circle
adjacent arcs
arcs of the same circle that intersect at exactly one point
congruent arcs
two arcs within a circle or two circles that have the same measure
sector of a circle
a region bounded by two radii of the circle and their interc­epted arc
segment of a circle
a region bounded by an arc and its chord
arc length
the distance along an arc measured in linear units
inscribed angle
an angle whose vertex is on a circle and whose sides contain chords of the circle
interc­epted arc
consists of endpoints that lie on the sides of an inscribed angle and all the points of the circle between them
a chord or arc subtends an angle if its endpoints lie on the sides of the angle


*m = arc measur­ement in degrees*
area of a sector of a circle
A = đťś‹r2(m/360)
area of a segment of a circle
A = area of sector - area of the triangle formed inside the sector
arc length
L = 2đťś‹r(m/360)

Angle Relati­onships in Circles

vertex of the angle
measure of angle
on a circle
half the measure of its interc­epted arc
inside a circle
half the sum of the measures of its interc­epted arcs
outside a circle
half the difference of the measures of its interc­epted arcs

Angle Relati­onships in Circles

vertex of the angle
measure of angle
on a circle
half the measure of its interc­epted arc
inside a circle
half the sum of the measures of its interc­epted arcs
outside a circle
half the difference of the measures of its interc­epted arcs

Pairs of Circles

congruent circles
if and only if they have congruent radii
concentric circles
coplanar circles with the same center
tangent circles
two coplanar circle that intersect at exactly one point


minor arc
an arc whose points are on or in the interior of a central angle
the measure of a minor arc is equal to the measure of its central angle
major arc
an arc whose points are on or in the eterior of a central angle
the measure of a major arc is equal to 360 degrees minus the measure of its central angle
when the endpoints of an arc lie on a diameter
the measure of a semicircle is equal to 180 degrees

Theorems & Postulates

if a line is tangent to a circle, then it is perpen­dicular to the radius drawn to the point of tangency
if a line is perpen­dicular to a radius of a circle, then the line is tangent to the circle
if two segments are tangent to the same external point, then the segments are congruent
in a circle, if a radius (or diameter) is perpen­dicular to a chord, then it bisects the chord and its arc
in a circle, the perpen­dicular bisector of a chord is a radius (or diameter)
12-4-1 inscribed angle theorem
the measure of an inscribed angle is half the measure of its interc­epted arc
if inscribed angles of a circle intercept the same arc or are subtended by the same chord or arc then the angles are congruent
an inscribed angle subtends a semicircle is and only if the angle is a right angle
if a quadri­lateral is inscribed in a circle, then its opposite angles are supple­mentary
if a tangent and a secant (or chord) intersect on a circle at the point of tangency, then the measure of the angle formed is half the measure of its interc­epted arc
if two secants or chords intersect in the interior of a circle, then the measure of each angle formed is half the sum of the measures of its interc­epted arcs
if a tangent and a secant, two tangents, or two secants intersect in the exterior of a circle, then the measure of the angle formed is half the difference of the measures of its interc­epted arcs

Theorem 12-2-2

in a circle or congruent circles...
1. congruent central angles have congruent chords
2. congruent chords have congruent arcs
3. congruent arcs have congruent central angles