This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Migrate a module
1. Create BT task in Internal Odoo. |
2. Create branch 16.0.<task_code> from 16.0. |
3. Execute migration_script with the module desired and the branch just created. |
python3 ~/ --modules thurbo_swissdec --source_repo<owner>/<repo>.git --source_branch 10.0 --target_repo<owner>/<repo>.git --target_branch 16.0.<task_code> |
4. Use the OCA odoo-module-migrate tool. |
odoo-module-migrate --directory <path> --modules <module_1,module_2,module_3> --init-version-name 10.0 --target-version-name 12.0 --no-commit |
5. Migrate following OCA guidelines. |
6. Install in local and fix all problems. |
7. Add docstrings and documentation. |
8. Define unit tests. |
9. Update README. |
10. Commit and Push, create PR and assign to review it. |
Command |
python3 -m --org-name "braintec" --addon-dir /home/moca1/BraintecProjects/<project_folder>/repos/<project>/<module> --repo-name "<project>" --no-commit --branch <main(16.0)> |
(MANDATORY) It explains what the module is about. |
(MANDATORY) Who has contributed to an existing version. |
Who has initially being involved in the first design |
How to configure the module before using it. |
Do NOT forget to add the BT icon.
Git Submodules
Add |
git submodule add -b <branch><owner>/<repo>.git ext/<repo> |
Update |
git submodule update <--options> |
Update options:
--init: Initializes submodules, cloning them and setting them to a specific commit if they haven't been initialized before.
--force: Forces submodule update, ignoring the commit information stored in the main repository and ensuring that submodules are updated.
--remote: Updates submodules to the latest commit of their remote branch, useful when submodules track a remote branch for updates.
Docker Deploy
Build |
bt deploy build -s <server> -p <project>:<branch> |
Update |
bt deploy update -s <server> -p <project>:<branch> -d <DB> |
Code checks
bt test code-quality <module> |
Solve merging conflict
resolve_conflicts_step_1 <origin_branch> <dest_branch> |
resolve_conflicts_step_2 <origin_branch> <dest_branch> |
resolve_conflicts_step_3 <dest_branch> |
PyCharm Run configuration
Run |
odoo-bin -d <DB> -i <install_modules> -u <update_modules> <--i18n-overwrite> |
Test |
odoo_bin -d <DB> -i <modules> --test-tags=<modules> --stop-after-init |
Download Server DB
Command |
bt docker load-data <server> |
--live |
Retrieves the current status of the DB on server. |
--skip-tables |
Skips unnecessary tables like messaging and also filestore. |
-clean-script |
Allows to indicate a certain clean script as a parameter. |
BT Translations
1. Install bt_translation |
Add bt_utils module to your project and install bt_translation. |
2. Export translations on Settings app |
Check Use BT Export. |
3. Compare both PO files |
On PyCharm, click on bt_exported.po and .po files and press Ctrl+D. |
4. Fix them and repeat the process until they are identical. |