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GDB and PWNDBG Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A cheatsheet for debugging 64-bit binaries with GDB and PWNDBG

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Disass­emble a function
disass­emble vuln
Disass­emble at address
disass­emble 0x400566


Run until termin­ation or breakpoint
Run and pause at main()
Run and provide arguments
r arg1 arg2
If binary prompts for input once through stdin, pass input via file
r < in.txt
If binary prompts for input more than once through stdin
r < <(echo " input1­"; echo "­inp­ut2­")


Continue execution
Execute next instru­ction and step over a function
Execute instru­ction and step into a function


Set breakpoint at function
bp vuln
Set breakpoint at address
bp 0x4005b5
Set breakpoint at function + offset
bp vuln+47
List breakp­oints
Delete all breakp­oints
d br
Disable breakpoint 2
bd 2
Enable breakpoint 2
be 2

Examining data

Exmaine two 8-byte values at RBP in hex
x/2gx $rbp
Examine 10 instru­ctions at main+25
x/10i *main+25
Examine 4-bytes of RAX in hex
x/wx $rax
Print R10 in decimal
p/d $r10
Print sum of 0x500 and 0x39 in decimal
p/d 0x500 + 0x39
Print the address of vuln()
p vuln
Using the x or p command followed by the size of the data to examine, and format letters

Sizes include byte, word, halfword, and giant.

Format letters include octal, hex, decimal, instruc­tion, char, and string.

Modifying data

Set the RAX register to 5
set $rax = 5
Set the value pointed to by an address to 5
set *0x7ff­fff­ffe280 = 5
Set the value pointed to by RAX-8 to 5
set *($rax-8) = 5

Print out state of the program


Get address of saved return pointer

Return address of current stack frame
x/gx $rbp+8
Discovered return addresses on the stack

Search for a string in memory

Look for "­Hel­lo"
search Hello

Get distance between addresses

Using p
p/d 0x7fff­fff­fe278 - 0x7fff­fff­fe220
Using distance
distance 0x7fff­fff­fe220 0x7fff­fff­fe278
Note that using distance reverses the operands.

Print hexdump

hexdump $rbp

Display stack

View the stack
View 30 rows of the stack
stack 30

Print virtual memory map pages


Check security settings
