Function body has access to variables defined outside its scope |
Closure is when a function is able to remember and access its lexical scope even when that function is executing outside its lexical scope. |
Useful in callbacks. For example passing a value into an ajax success. Var can be defined before the call and still accessed from the success |
Higher order funtions
Functions that accept other functions as their arguments. |
EG .map or .filter |
Can help to write code quicker with less bugs due to code reuse |
When a function calls its self until it doesn't |
An example would be when you have a bunch categories form a DB and you want to map all the children into a tree structure. |
Break and object or array into variables |
Great for options objects like ajax options |
Can be put into the function declaration params with optional values |
Prototypal Inheritance
Objects inherit directly from other objects. |
Instances may be composed from many different source objects, allowing for easy selective inheritance and a flat [[Prototype]] delegation hierarchy. |
The tight coupling problem, Inflexible hierarchy problem |
The Gorilla/banana problem (What you wanted was a banana, but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana, and the entire jungle) |
Delegation |
Factory functions
Factories - Functions that create objects and return them. |
Better to use than classes for Composition! |
Inheritance encourages you to predict the future of your classes (bad) it will most likely change though out the project |
Composition is simply when a class is composed of other classes; or to say it another way, an instance of an object has references to instances of other objects. |
Is better as we dont have to think of all our classes at the start and when we inevitably need to change them we can with ease |
Eg A robot dog needs the bark from the dog class but not the sleep. |
Currying is when a function, instead of taking all arguments at one time, takes the first one and returns a new function that takes the second one and returns a new function which takes the third one, and so forth, until all arguments have been fulfilled. |
The idea is that a function can pass through an application and gradually receive the parameters it needs |
Two types of function
Declaration - function something (){}
Hoisted to the global scope |
Expression - var something = function (){}
Good to use for passing function into other function. EG the ajax success or a .map |

Objects can be thought of as the main actors(things) in an application |
Every component in JavaScript is an Object, including Functions, Strings, and Numbers |
We normally use object literals or constructor functions to create objects. |
Refers to enclosing all the functionalities of an object within that object so that the object’s internal workings (its methods and properties) are hidden from the rest of the application. |
This allows us to abstract or localize specific set of functionalities on objects. |
A way to do this would be wrap everything in an Immediately-Invoked Function Expression IIFE - a way to implement the module pattern. Allows private methods and data, defining an API for public use. |
OO Javascript
(OOP) refers to using self-contained pieces of code to develop applications |
Building applications with objects allows us to adopt some valuable techniques, namely, Inheritance |
refers to an object being able to inherit methods and properties from a parent object |
Uses a Uni-directional data flow to keep a Single source of truth |
The state of your whole application is stored in an object tree within a single store. |
State is read-only. The only way to change the state is to emit an action, an object describing what happened. |
State tree is transformed by actions, written with pure reducers. |
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