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Analysis Part1-2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Engineering Analysis

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Systems of Linear Equations - Methods

Elimin­ation Methods
Inverse Method
Iterative Methods
Need scale system because system becomes more sensitive to round offs
solve multiple times for different constants
make unknowns the subject of equations
Maximum Coeffi­cients on Main diagonal
default all unknowns are 0
Gauss Elimin­ation
calculate inverse once
Dominant Diagonal System DDS
1 forward elimin­ation 2 back substi­tution
iterate for dynamic cases
DDS ensures conver­gence
eliminate what is below main diagonal
Gauss Seidel
matrix has to have a solution
use updated values in equations
Zero at pivot - solution: switch rows
under-­det­ermined systems (# equati­ons­<#u­nkn­owns)
if system is converging
ill condit­ioned system - round off
do not have an inverse - infinite solutions
update values at the end of each iteration
Lengthy- Cumber­some- Time consuming
[A:I] -> [I:A-]
help overcome divergence
2 distinct steps
equations have to be linearly indepe­ndent
Gauss Jordan
Xinew= Xinew + (1-)Xiold
eliminate what is above and below the main diagonal
translate from coeffi­cient matrix to identity matrix
~=0 diverging (initial conditions are most accurate)
Advantage: no need for back substi­tution
~=1 regular
~=2 converging
~<1 diverging or converging with fluctu­ations
~>1 converging without fluctu­ations
as system grows , ~ is close to 1

Roots of Non linear Equations ---Num­erical Methods

Bracketed Methods
Open Methods
2 initial guesses bracket the root
initial guesses do not have to bracket root
to check that intial guesses bracket root: f(xl)*­f(x­u)<0
Newton Raphson
Bisection Method
Takes into account 1 initial guess 2 function behavior 3 rate of change
Xm= Xl+Xu / 2
Xi+1= Xi- (f(xi)/ f'(xi))
1 miss roots
diverge due to infliction point
2 ineffi­cient (time consuming)
converge to local min/max
3 if even # of roots between initial guesses are missed
jumping roots- converge to a different root
4 disregard function behavior; function of initial guesses
if xi is close is zero, it will offshute
False Position
Limita­tion: differ­ent­iation
Xr= Xu - (f(xu) * (xl-xu­))/­(f(­xl)­-f(xu))
Secant Method
in some cases, bisection may converge faster
xi+1 = xi - ((f(xi)* (xi-i -xi))/­(f(­xi-­1)-­f(xi))
Modified Secant
1 initial guess
xi-1= xi + oxi

Roots of Non-linear Equations

Analytical Solution
Graphical Solution
cannot solve complex equations
Visual Precep­tions
Roots of an equation
Miss roots due to choice of window
find the value of indepe­ndent variable when the dependent variable is zero.

Systems of Linear Equations

Graphical Solution
# equations = # unknowns
Visual perception - accuracy
1 solution
Time consuming
# equations < # unknowns
imprac­tical beyond 3D
infinite solutions
# equations > # unknowns
1 solution (redundant equation)
no solution - do not intersect

Systems of Linear Equations - Cranmer's Rule

D = determ­inant of coeffi­cients
Dn = determ­inant of coeffi­cients with n column replaced with B matrix
Time consuming
Singular System D=0
if D=0
1 no solution
ill- condit­ioned system
2 infinite solutions
D is close to 0
instru­ction is a region
sensitive to round offs