Humanistic Psyc-gist |
1) Abraham Maslow |
2) Carl Roger |
Marie Flourens |
1794-1867 |
removed areas from the brains of various animals & realized that their beh. differed from those of unaltered animals |
Rene Decrates |
12th century Frenchman |
Dualism - mind/brain fundamentally diff. substances |
Donald BroadBent |
1st to study attention |
Kurt Lewin |
early 20th century |
recognized the stimulus response model wasn't enough |
personal view/experience the response of a stimulus |
Karl Lashley |
20th century |
recorded how rats learned to run mazes and then removed parts of their brain and tested them against to see of they could still run the maze |
Wundt |
Introspection |
subjective observation of one's own experience |
Structuralism |
analysis of basic elements that constitute the mind |
William James |
philosopher |
human beh. can teach us about the human mind |
Functionalism |
Consciousness - subjective experience of world&mind |
Greek Thinkings |
Phil. Position |
Plato: Nativism - innate traits |
Aristotle: Empiricism - knowledge through experience |
Thomas Hobbs |
17th Century Brit |
mind is what brain does |
G. Stanley Hall |
studied education&human development |
Helmholtz |
physicist & physiologist |
measured stimulus & response time |
studied speed of nerves in frogs |
Gestalt Psyc |
emphasizes how the mind takes pieces of an experiences&integrates them into a single, or unified form |
John Watson |
1st to really work out the LIMITS OF BEHAVIOR |
Animal behaviorist |
Humans don't have mind |
BF Skinner |
writer ---> psychologist |
Skinner Boxes -> Rats -> Food (Reinforcements) -> results (training) |
Ebbinghaus |
nonsense syllabus -> storage device -> no connection to life experience |
Sigmund Freud |
medical Dr. associated w/ |
Psychoanalysis - a process to uncover unconscious problems that might drive conscious beh. |
Noam Chomsky |
behaviorist model could NOT account for language in children |
shows the blinding effect of human stubbornness |
Ivan Pavlov |
19th Century Physiologist |
noticed in his study of canine digestion, that dogs salivated not only when they saw their food, but eventually at the sight of their master who would feed them. |
Paul Broca |
19th century French Surgeon |
Localization of Function - specific functions linked to specific brain areas |
Franz Gall |
18th & 19th century |
Phrenology - defunct theory: memory - happiness, localized areas of the brain |
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