Clear Screen
Registers: AH, AL, BH, CH, CL, DH, DL |
mov ah,06h
mov al,25 ;Number of Rows
mov ch,0 ;Source Row
mov cl,0 ;Source Column
mov dh,24 ;Destination Row
mov dl,79 ;Source Column
mov bh,07h ;Page Attribute
int 10h
Move Pointer
Registers: AH, DH, DL, BH |
mov ah,02h
mov dh,10 ;Destination row
mov dl,30 ;Destination Column
mov bh,0 ;Page Number
int 10h
Print A Character ( set attribute )
Registers: AH, AL, BH, BL, CX |
mov ah,09h
mov al,03h ;Heart character
mov bh,0 ;Page number
mov bl,f0h ;Attribute
mov cx,20 ;Number of print
int 10h
Read A Character ( show char )
mov ah,01h
int 21h
mov help,al ;Store Character in help
Read A Character ( !show char )
mov ah,8h
int 21h
mov help,al ;Store character in help
Read A Character ( !show char ) (copy)
mov ah,08h
int 21h
mov help,al ;Store character in help
Print A Character
mov ah,02h
mov dl,help ;Move a character to dl
int 21h
Read A String
;define a label to read a string
strlist LABEL BYTE
max db 21 ;Max character
len db ? ;Actual length
buffer db 21 dup(' ') ;Memory for characters
;read a string
mov ah,0Ah
mov dx,strlist
int 21h
Print A String
;help db 'Your Str','$'
mov ah,09h
mov dx,offset help ;lea dx,help
int 21h
Print A Character ( !attribute )
Registers: AH, AL, BH, CX |
mov ah,0Ah
mov al,03h ;Heart character
mov bh,0 ;Page number
mov cx,20 ;Number of print
int 10h