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Health - Integumentary System Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Health - Integumentary System

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Parts Of The Integu­mentary System

Sweat glands
Sebaceous glands
Subcut­aneous tissue

Age-Re­lated Changes

Thin skin & smaller elastin fibres
Collagen loss → wrinkles - weaker & saggier skin
Less melanin → pale skin & grey/white hair
Reduced blood supply to skin → harder to regulate body temp
Longer skin repair time


1st defense line
Maintains fluid balance
Protects organs & structures
Sunlight → Vitamin D
Houses sensory receptors
Regulates body temp
Main skin layers: epidermis & dermis
Subcut­aneous tissues (not skin)

Subcut­aneous Layer

Aka hypodermis (under­neath the dermis)
Not part of the skin, mainly made of connective & adipose tissue
Rich blood supply
Insulates body and sits between skin & underlying structure


Top skin layer
Made of kerati­nocytes
No blood supply - gets O₂ & nutrients from dermis
Kerati­nis­ation: Keratin protein deposited into cell
Melano­cytes: Releases melanin & has arm-like
projec­tions to protect kerati­nocytes from UV light
Main Layers
Stratum Corneum
Stratum Germin­ati­vum­/Basale
Top layer of epidermis
Bottom layer of epidermis
Dead cells rubbed off & replaced
Contin­uously divides, older cells die & keratinise ⬆ layers

Skin Colour

Determined by 3 pigments:
Darkening pigment from melano­cytes
More melanin → darker skin colour
Carotene → Vitamin A for healthy eyes, skin, vision etc.
Found in orange­-co­loured veggies
Too much carotene → yellow­/orange skin
Bright red
Dilated blood vessels → increased blood flow → increased haemog­lobin → blushi­ng/­redder skin
Poorly oxygenated blood → decreased haemog­lobin → cyanosis


Underneath epidermis
Tough & elastic
Connective Tissue
Collagen Fibres
Elastin Fibres
Gives strength & elasticity → young appearance
Allows stretchy skin
Dermis Parts
Blood Vessels: Blood to sweat, sebaceous glands, hair follicles & dermis tissue
Lymph Vessels: Lymph & immune cells to dermis
Sensory Nerve Endings: Nocior­ece­ptors (pain), thermo­rec­eptors (tempe­rat­ure), mechan­ore­ceptors (pressure)
Hair: Maintains heat, grows from hair follicles
Arrector Pili: Contracts to raise hair & skin
Sebaceous Glands: Creates & releases sebum → prevents dry/cr­acked skin
Sweat Glands:
Eccrine Glands
Apocrine Glands
Clear & watery sweat
Sweat + bacteria → body odour
Opens directly onto epidermis
Opens into hair follicles
Regulates body temp


Made of tightly packed keratinzed cells
Protects toe & finger tips
Made of nail plate & nail root