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interactionalists view of crime Cheat Sheet by

A2 WJEC paper 1 Crime&Deviance


intera­cti­onalist reject the idea that a criminals are bad or good or the hereos of a working class revolu­tion. They focus on the circum­stances of committing crime and the effects on their future. Other altern­ative theories such as functi­ona­lists critique the views of intera­cti­ona­lists. A key theinker who supports thr intera­cti­ona­lists view is howard becker.


intera­cti­ona­lis­tsfocus intensely on labelling and how stereo­types or social reactions can affect crime and deviancy. Functi­oalists such as Cohen may critue this view and intera­cti­ona­lists such as Cicourel are in favour of this view.

No such thing as a deviant act

-Becker suggests that there is no such thing as a deviant act.
-An act only becomes deviant when perceived as such.
-If young people are defined as deliquent and convicted, then they are more likely to become deviant. this is called a self fulfiling prophecy.
-Whether or not these labels are applied depends on societal reaction.
-He argues polic have precon­ceived ideas of what consti­tutes as ‘trouble.’ For example the stereo­types of black males being muggers. Thus, explaining how deviancy is asserted by labelling and the views of others. However, Becker over-r­oma­nti­cises accounts of deviance, which in their concern for the underdog' can distort the reality of crime.

Becker also coins the idea of a deviant career.

-This process involves people accepting a negative or stigma­tised social status. This means people who have been labelled as deviant continue to act deviantly.
-This is known as a self-f­ulf­illing prophecy. Box identifies four reasons as to why ex-cons or inmates continue to remain as offenders, rather than change their way of life, atrophy of social skills, social discri­min­ation, job rejection and police survei­llance.
-There­fore, accepting labels placed by others leads to more crime. However, Triplett claims that the harsh punish­ments of offenders are linked to increased offending rates in the UK.

Matza introduces this idea of drift theory.

-this is where he believes many people drift in and out if crime.
-Many deviants have the same norms and values as others and often recognise that their behaviour is proble­matic. He states that everyone has two sets of values; conven­tional values and roles where they are much the same as everyone else, and subter­ranean values of greed and aggression which we normally keep well in check, but everyone will give in to now and again.
-This can be seen through techniques of neutra­lis­ation, as young people are more likely to go into subter­ranean values inappr­opr­iately and often justify their actions using these techni­ques.
-Thus, explaining many people go in and out of crime and how people are not confined to one set of norms and values. However, some believe that this is too determ­inistic and focuses too much on the on social backgr­ounds.

Beckers idea of master status.

-He argued that when a label of lawbreaker has been placed on a person, this label becomes seen as a defining charac­ter­istic. If others are aware of this, then everything that the deviant person does will be seen as being a result of that master status.
-Rosenhan found evidence of this in his experiment involving asking sane people to become voluntary patients in a mental hospital. He discovered that even normal behaviours like chatting or reading were interp­reted by staff as evidence of madness. If a deviant master status becomes part of a person's self-i­den­tity, then that others like themselves and form a subcul­ture.
-There­fore, explaining how Becker views master status and labelling define people as deviants. However, Becker over-s­imp­lifies the process of labelling, and partic­ularly they minimise the role of the deviant in the defining process.

Lemert idea of primar­y&­sec­ondary deviancy.

-Primary deviancy is when an individual has committed an act of deviancy but has not been publicly labelled as a crime.
-Secondary deviancy occurs once an offender is discovered and publicly exposed and the label of 'deviance' is attached. This follows the public identi­fic­ation of a person as deviant, and the indivi­dual's response to this negative societal reaction.
-Triplett argues that recent studies have shown the attempt to control and punish young offenders are making the situation worse. Therefore, Lemert explains how the public­ation of labelling leads to increased crime and deviancy amplif­ica­tion. However, there is a disregard for the origins of deviant behaviour. Hence it is claimed, too much emphasis is placed on the impact of social reaction.

Cicourel states that justice not fixed negotiable

-This means that it is not the charac­ter­istics of people that make them deviant, it is the conviction and labelling of law enforc­ement that make them criminals.
-During his research of police and social workers in California 1970, Cicourel discovered that many police officers 'typif­ica­tions' or assump­tions led them to concen­trate on certain 'types' of people, mainly the working class. This resulted in law enforc­ement showing a class bias.
-In turn, this leads to police patrolling working class areas more intens­ively, resulting in more arrests and confirming their stereo­types of what is a deviant, for example ethnic minorities and poor educat­ional backgr­ounds.
-There­fore, the treatment of police reinforces class bias and give into stereo­types of the working class causing more deviancy. However, cohen believes that the charac­ter­istics of indivi­duals lead them to deviancy, and it is not the result of police intera­ctions with young people.


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