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About anikrou

  • Cheatographer since 2 January, 2024.


  • 3 Cheat Sheets
  • 4 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 3,156 Cheat Sheet Views
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2 Pages
A high-level overview of the most important technique(s) to know when considering perspectives. Source: Business Analysis Techniques - 99 Essential Tools for Success.
19 Mar 24
1 Page
A high-level overview of the important techniques to know when investigating situations. Source: Business Analysis Techniques - 99 Essential Tools for Success.
8 Feb 24
1 Page
A high-level overview of the important techniques to know in business strategy and objectives. Source: Business Analysis Techniques - 99 Essential Tools for Success.
2 Feb 24, updated 8 Feb 24
systems, business, analysis, technique, swot and 2 more ...