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Mechanics - Level 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Forces, Torque and Equili­brium

Newtons Laws
First Law - How things Move
- An object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an external force
- (External Force) Needs a force to get things to move
-An object in motion stays moving at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force

Second Law - How we calaculate the size of a force
Force = mass x Acceleration
Any accele­rating object and the force that is pushing or pulling it

Third Law - Forces come in Pairs
Every action produces an equal and opposite reaction
Force Vectors
Use trigon­ometry to separate the force vector into vertical and horizontal compon­ents.
Name of a turning effect that causes rotation
-Pivot point from centre of mass which it can rotate around.
Torque is produced if the force that is applied is not directed at the pivot point.
- Distance Between the pivot point and the point where the force is apple X by the perpen­dicular component of the force. Unit Nm.
The longer or further distance less net force
Torques Balanced = Stationary or rotate at a constant speed
Conseq­uence of Newtons First La
- An object is at equili­brium when it is either stationary or moving at a constant speed
No net external force (all force down are balanced and all forces up are balanced)
No net torque­(cl­ockwise torque = anticl­ockwise torque)

Linear Motion

Displa­cement and Velocity
Is measured in metre and takes into the account of the direction.
repres­ented by an arrow - the length of the arrow gives us the vectors magnitude

despla­cement of an object over the time it takes to reach that displa­cement ms-1. includes direction different direction different velocity
Accele­ration and Kinematic Equations
Rate of and objects velocity - how much the velocity changes divided by time taken, measured in ms-2.

Kinematic Equations
Vf = Vi +at
d=(Vi +Vf)/2 x t
Vf2=Vi2 +2ad
d-Vit +1/2 at2
Vector Operations
Vector has a magnitude and size. When you divid or multiply vector by scalar the magnitude changes but direction does not unless scalar is negative. The magnitude is always positive. Adding vectors add tip to tail then find resultant. resultant goes other way

Momentum and Impulse

Mass of an object multiplied by its velocity
Big objects moving fast have a large momentum used to solve collision problems
Change in Momentum
- Momentum changes when a force is applied to the object over a certain amount of time
To maximise an objects change in momentum you can apply a greater force or apply it over a longer time
Kgms-1 or Ns
Conser­vation of Momentum
When a external force acts on an object it changes momentum.
When we consider multiple objects with internal force between them - teh total momentum stays the same
- tells us that the total momentum of a system is always the same
Allows us to solve problems with two objects that collide with each other
net force= 0
P=momentum of first + momentum of second
Pf = momentum of both first and second

Projec­tiles and Circular Motion

Describes what happens to an object when its falling
When an object is falling the only force acting on it is gravity when we ignore other forces like air resistance
Constant vertical accele­ration 9.8ms-2
- the gravity can be used in kinematic equations
Is an object moving through the air under the influence of gravity . doesn't have its own power source
Ignore air resist­ance. Gravity only force acting on the projectile while in the air.. The vertical component changes in the velocity vector and accele­rates downwards at 9.8ms -2through the whole fight.
The Horizontal component does not change.
The path is perfectly symmet­rical - the speed going up = the speed coming down
Find the x an y components by using trig.
Circular Motion
Concerns any object that moves around in a circle.
Even if the speed is constant it keeps changing direction meaning the velocity is always changing.
a change in velocity over time produces accele­ration. accele­ration directed at the centre of the circle - call it centri­petal acceleration
Accele­ration X mass = centri­petal force. this force is directed at the centre of the circle. respon­sible for keeping object on the circle.
Velocity is at a tangent to the circle at right angles to the force
v=speed, m= mass, r= radius

Energy, Work and Power

Mechanical Energy and Springs
Spring is a device that stores all elastic potential energy- stretched or compressed.
amount of energy stored is:
Ep = 1/2kx2
K= spring consta­nt(­sti­ffness of the spring) the higher K is the more force need to stretch or compress
x = change in length ( the distance it is stretched or compre­ssed). This does not include the normal length of the spring.
When the spring is stretched or compressed there is no elastic potential energy.

Hooke's Law
shows the amount of force required to stretch or compressed a string by a certain amount
(Negative sign ignored)
Work and Power
Force required to move an object across a certain distance
measured in Joules (J)
Energy is the input the output is work

measured in watts (W)

Conser­vation of Energy
Energy never goes away, it cannot be created or destroyed only transf­erred from one form to another