This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
DEL key ... |
Delete item(s) |
redis.Int |
EXISTS key |
Check for key |
redis.Int |
EXPIRE key seconds |
Set timeout on item |
redis.Int |
EXPIREAT key timestamp |
Set timeout by timestamp |
redis.Int |
PEXPIRE key milliseconds |
Set timeout (ms) |
redis.Int |
PEXPIREAT key milliseconds-timestamp |
Set timeout (ms timestamp) |
redis.Int |
PTTL key |
Get item time to live (ms) |
redis.Int |
TTL key |
Get item time to live |
redis.Int |
GET key |
Get value of key |
redis.String |
INCR key |
Increment integer |
redis.Int |
INCRBY key increment |
Increment integer |
redis.Int |
SET key value [EX second] [NX|XX] |
Set key |
redis.String |
SETEX key seconds value |
Set with expiry (seconds) |
redis.String |
SETNX key value |
Set if doesn't exist |
redis.Int |
HDEL key field ... |
Delete item |
redis.Int |
HEXISTS key field |
Check for item |
redis.Int |
HGET key field |
Get item |
redis.String |
Return all items |
redis.Strings/ redis.StringMap |
HINCRBY key field increment |
Add to integer value |
redis.Int |
HINCRBYFLOAT key field increment |
Add to float value |
redis.Float64 |
HKEYS key |
Return all keys |
redis.Strings |
HLEN key |
Get number of items |
redis.Int |
HMGET key field ... |
Get multiple items |
redis.Strings |
HMSET key field value ... |
Set multiple items |
redis.Strings/redis.StringMap |
HSET key value |
Set item |
redis.Int |
HSETNX key value |
Set item if doesn't exist |
redis.Int |
HSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] |
Iterate items |
redis.MultiBulk |
LINDEX key index |
Access by index |
redis.String |
LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value |
Insert next to |
redis.Int |
LLEN key |
Get length |
redis.Int |
LPOP key |
Pop from start |
redis.String |
LPUSH key value ... |
Push onto start |
redis.Int |
LPUSHX key value |
Push if list exists |
redis.Int |
LRANGE key start stop |
Access range |
redis.Strings |
LREM key count value |
Remove |
redis.Int |
LSET key index value |
Set item by index |
redis.String |
LTRIM key start stop |
Trim to specified range |
redis.String |
RPOP key |
Pop from end |
redis.String |
RPUSH key value ... |
Push onto end |
redis.Int |
RPUSHX key value |
Push onto end if list exists |
redis.Int |
SADD key member ... |
Add item |
redis.Int |
SCARD key |
Get size |
redis.Int |
SISMEMBER key member |
Check for item |
redis.Int |
SPOP key |
Pop random item |
redis.String |
SRANDMEMBER key count |
Get random item |
redis.Strings |
SREM key member ... |
Remove matching |
redis.Int |
SSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] |
Iterate items |
redis.MultiBulk |
Sorted Sets
ZADD key score member... |
Add item |
redis.Int |
ZCARD key |
Get number of items |
redis.Int |
ZCOUNT key min max |
Number of items within score range |
redis.Int |
ZINCRBY key increment member |
Add to score |
redis.String |
ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] |
Get items within rank range |
redis.Strings/ redis.StringMap |
ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] |
Get items within score range |
redis.Strings/ redis.StringMap |
ZRANK key member |
Get item rank |
redis.Int |
ZREM key member ... |
Remove item(s) |
redis.Int |
ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop |
Remove items within rank range |
redis.Int |
Remove items within score range |
redis.Int |
ZREVRANK key member |
ZRANGE in reverse order |
redis.Int |
ZSCORE key member |
Get item score |
redis.String |
ZSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] |
Iterate items |
redis.MultiBulk |