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Android 5.0 Changes Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Describes the changes in Android 5.0

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Android Runtime (ART)

1.) ART replaces Dalvik
2.) Improved Garbage Collection
3.) Improved Debug support


If your app target API level >= 21
1.) Mixed content and third party cookies blocked by default.
2.) To allow use : setMix­edC­ont­ent­Mode() and setAcc­ept­Thi­rdP­art­yCo­okies()
3.) Efficient drawing of HTML document.

If your app target API level < 21
1.) Mixed content and third party cookies allowed.
2.) HTML document rendered at once.


1.) Visual changes as per new Material design
2.) Available on device lock screen
3.) Cloud Synced :- Dismiss notifi­­cation on one device and it reflects every where

Other Changes

1.) Do not use Ringtone, MediaP­layer, or Vibrator classes for adding sounds to your Notifi­cation instead use Notifi­cat­ion.Bu­ilder()
2.) Master Volume stream for both Phone and Tablet can be controlled using STREAM­_RING or STREAM­_NO­TIF­ICATION
3.) The Remote­Con­tro­lClient class is now deprec­ated. Switch to the new MediaS­ession API
4.) Set notifi­cat­ion's visibility to VISIBI­LIT­Y_P­UBLIC to mark notifi­cation as safe to show on any lock screen.
5.) Android 5.0 introduces support for 64-bit systems.
6.) The Contex­t.b­ind­Ser­vice() method now requires an explicit Intent
7.) TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.1 protocols are now enabled
8.) AES-GCM (AEAD) cipher suites are now enabled