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Flashcards Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Behavioral Sciences

portion of brain controls balance, motor coordi­nation, breathing, digestion, and general arousal processes
medulla oblongota, pons, reticular formation, cerebellum
Cerebral cortex
outermost layer of cerebrum
complex prerce­ptual, behavi­oral, and cognitive processes
portion of forebrain
controls homeos­tatic and endocrine functions by conrolling the releases of pituitary hormones
involu­ntary onset of sleep
cataplexy & hypnogogic and hypnop­ompic halluc­ina­tions
Append­icular skeleton
Divided Attention
ability to attend to multiple stimuli simult­ane­ously
ability to perform mltiple tasks at the same time
Learning (Behav­iorist) Theory
attitude are developed through forms of learning (direct contact, direct intera­ction, direct instru­ction and condit­ioning)
very deep emotional bond to another
parent, caregi­ver...
In Freudian psycho­nal­ysis, result of overin­dul­gence or frustr­ation during psycho­sexual stage; casues a neurotic ptrn of prsnlty based in that stage
Zone of Proximal Develo­pment
skills which a child has not yet mastered but can accomplish witht hte help of a more knowle­dgable other
Critical Period
time during develo­pment exposure to lang essential for later develo­pment of effective use of lang
two years - puberty
Spacing Effect
retaining larger amts of info when amt of time b/t sessions of relearning is increased
Percep­tions abt situation may/may not be supprtd by availbl evidence but perceieved as useful info to make a decision
Availa­bility Heuristic
releis on info most readily available, rather than total body of info on subject
Classical Condit­ioning
energy pattern that sensed by body
includes visual, auditory, and physical sensat­ions...
In classical condit­ioning process of taking advantage of reflexive responses to turn a neutral stimulus into a condit­ioned stimulus
response caused by repeated stimulus exposure
behavior w/ intention to cause harm or increase relative social dominance
can be verbal or physical
Response Bias
tendency to system­ati­cally respond to a stimulus in a particular way due to nonsensory factors
Person­ality DisordersD
Disorders that ivolve pttrns of behaviors that are inflexible & malada­ptive, causing distress or impaired funct in at least 2: cognition, emotion, interp­ersonal functing, impulse ctrl
defense mech indivi­duals explain undesi­rable bhvrs that is self-j­ust­ifying and socailly unacce­ptable*
Recogn­iti­on-­Primed Decision Model
decisi­on-­making model experience & recogn­ition of similar sitations already experi­encesd play a large role in decision making and actions
one of the explan­ation of "­int­uit­ion­"
Rapid Eye Movment (REM) Sleep
Sleep stage - eyes move back and forth rapidly
physio­logical arousal - more like awake than sleep
dreaming occurs this stage
Broca's Area
brain region - inferior frontal gyrus of frontal lobe (usually left hemisp­here*)
motor function of speech
Damage here causes: Broca's Asphasia - loss of motor function of speech
iability to produce spoken lang w/ intact unders­tanding
Projection area
portion of cerebral cortex anazlyzes sensory inpur*
Serial Position Effect
tendency to better rmmbr items at begining or end of a list
primary effect
recency effect
Limbic System
porition of cerebrum associated w/ emotion and memory
includes amygdala (emotional amy) and
hippoc­ampus (you'd remember a hippo walking acorss campus)
Cognitive Dissonance
simult­aneous presence of two opposing though­ts/­opi­nions
Observ­ational Learning
form of learning behavior is modifiied as a result of watching others
Circular Reaction
repetetive action acheves a desired response
seen: Piagetls sensor­imotor stage
negative reinfo­rcment
echew unplea­san­tness of something yet to happen
Dramat­urgical approach
Impression management theory
indivi­duals =actors performing
to audience
Social Constr­uct­ionism
theore­tical approach
uncovers ways which indivi­duals and groups partic­ipate in formation of their perceived social reality
Symbolic intera­cti­onsim
theore­tical framework
studies ways indivi­duals interact through a shared unders­tanding through shared unders­tanding of words, gestures and other symbols
making judgments abt other cultures based on values­/be­liefs of one's own culture
Symbolic Ethnicity
ethnic ID only relevant on special occasions or specific circum­stances and does not impact everyday life
Master Status
A status a person is most IDed
Social Mobility
movement of indivi­duals in the social hierarchy
through changes in income, education, or occupation
Just-World Hypothesis
cognitive bias that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people
#cases of disease / population in givn period of time
usu: cases per 1000 people per year
Theory of Mind
ability to sense how another's mind works


Growth Hormone (GH)
synthe­sized and released : anterior pituitary
GH stimulates bone and uscle growth and glucose conversion
inhibited by: somato­statin
stimulated by: growth hormone releasing hormone secreted by hypoth­alamus
steroid hormone produced in adrenal cortex that is respon­sible for reabso­rption of sodium and water and excretion of potassium and hydrogen ions
Append­icular Skeleton
bones of pelvis, pectoral girdles, limbs
Axial Skeleton
Large intestine
GI tract
cecum colon rectum
function: absorb salts, water, some vitamins
Small intestine
muscular lower chambers if heart
RIGHT ventricle: pumps deoxyg­enated blood through pulmonary arteries to lungs
LEFT ventricle: pumps oxygenated blood to body through aorta
cell fragments involved in clotting process
come from megaka­ryo­cytes in bone marrow
Blood Antigens
Proteins on erythr­ocyte cell surface
antigens for determ­ina­tion: A, B, Rh
If host transfused w/ erythr­ocytes containing antigens not present in host, immune response triggered hemolysis
cells in bone matrix involved in bone degrad­ation
Pathway of Respir­atory tract
oral/nasal cavity pharynx larynx trachea bronchi bronch­ioles alveoli (gas xchg)
Pathway of Digestive Tract
Mouth esophagus stomach small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) large intestine (cecum; asecen­ding, transv­erse, decending colon; sigmoid colon; rectum; anus)
Refractory Period
short period of time immedi­ately following an action potent­ial... which neurons or muecle cells unresp­onsive to stimul­usare
absolute refractory period
... stimul­usthat is much larger than usual causes an action potential ina cell in a refractory period
relative refractory period