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IB Geography (HL 2) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

IB Geography HL Topic 2 - Human Development and Diversity

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Key Terms

Key Terms
Civil Society:
any organi­sation or movement that works in the area between the household, the private sector and the state to negotiate matters of public concern. Includes NGOs, community groups, trade unions, academic instit­utions and faith-­based organi­sations
a system of shared meanings used by people who belong to the same community, group or nation, to help them interpret and make sense of the world. These systems of meanings include language, religion, custom and tradition, and ideas about "­pla­ce"
Cultural Diffusion:
the spread of cultural ideas, from their place of origin to other regions, groups or nations
Cultural Imperi­alism:
the practice of promoting the culture, values or language of one nation in another, less powerful one
the forced or voluntary dispersal of any population sharing a common racial, ethnic or cultural identity, after leaving their settled territory and migrating to new areas
Resource Nation­alism:
when a country decides to take all, or a part, of one or a number of natural resources under state ownership
the adaption of a product or service to the locality or culture for which it is marketed
any economic policy that limits trade between countries so as to protect trade in the home country
Affirm­ative Action:
an economic policy of favouring members of a disadv­antaged group, it is sometimes described as positive discri­min­ation

Case Studies

Case Studies
Affirm­ative Action:
Empowering Colombian Women - one of the longest armed conflicts in Latin American took place in Colombia, leading to women becoming mobilised and have influenced new laws and policies. Colombia now has more women in decisi­on-­making positions than ever before. Girls' enrolment in secondary and tertiary education exceeds that of boys. Women's partic­ipation in the labour force has also increased. A number of factors helped bring these changes about: legal reform and greater political opport­unities for women, growth of women's social movements, intern­ational support for women's organi­sat­ions, improv­ements in social and economical condit­ions. However, this progress has benefited well-e­ducated urban women, whereas many rural women remain illite­rate, poor and experience gender discri­min­ation, often in forms of violence
Chinese diasporas - 5.5% of the Australian population identifies with having Chinese ancestry, from the 2021 census, most living in large cities (Sydney). Origin­ally, Chinese groups migrated during the gold rush, now migrants come for english education or jobs. Chinese traditions and culture has become present in the celebr­ation of Chinese New Year and Chinatowns
Restri­ction of Freedom:
China - survei­llance in China restricts freedom of locals.