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Study of Peroxisomes (Catalase activity) Cheat Sheet by

To observe the action of catalase, an enzyme found in peroxisomes, in breaking down hydrogen peroxide.


To invest­igate the activity of catalase, an enzyme contained within peroxi­somes, by observing its ability to break down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)


Peroxi­somes are small, membra­ne-­bound organelles found in virtually all eukaryotic cells. They are involved in various metabolic processes, including the breakdown of very long chain fatty acids through beta-o­xid­ation. One of their key roles is in the detoxi­fic­ation of hydrogen peroxide, a byproduct of cellular metabo­lism, into water and oxygen. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme catalase, which is abundantly present in peroxi­somes.


Fresh potato (rich source of catalase)
3% Hydrogen peroxide solution
Test tubes or small beakers
Tweezers or forceps
Knife or scalpel
Cork Borer
Graduated cylinder or pipette
Stopwatch or timer
Safety goggles and gloves


Prepar­ation of Materials:
1. Clean and set up your workspace with all the materials listed above.
2. Label your test tubes or beakers for identi­fic­ation.
Prepar­ation of Potato Samples:
3. Wash the potato and dry it.
4. On the chopping board, use the cork borer, scalpel or knife to cut the potato into small, equal-­sized pieces (appro­xim­ately 1 cm³).
Prepar­ation of Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions:
5. Using the graduated cylinder or pipette, measure and pour 10 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide into each test tube or beaker.
Conducting the Experi­ment:
6. Add a single piece of potato to the first test tube containing hydrogen peroxide.
7. As soon as the potato is added, start the stopwatch.
8. Observe the reaction between the potato and hydrogen peroxide for 1 minute.
9. Look for bubbling or fizzing, indicating the release of oxygen gas.
10. Record your observ­ations in detail, focusing on the intensity and duration of the bubbling.
Repeat the Experi­ment:
11. For accuracy and consis­tency, repeat the experiment with fresh hydrogen peroxide and a new potato piece in the remaining test tubes or beakers
Recording Data:
12. In your lab notebook, create a table to record your observ­ations for each test tube. Note the size of the potato piece, the amount of hydrogen peroxide used, the intensity of the reaction, and any other notable observ­ations in observ­ation table.
Clean up
Dispose of the potato pieces and hydrogen peroxide solution in the waste container. Clean and sterilize the test tubes, beakers, and other equipment used.

Observ­ation Table

Test Tube
Amount of Hydrogen Peroxide (ml)
Size of Potato Piece (cm3)
Time Observed (S)
Initial reaction
Final Reaction
Notes / Additional Observ­ations**
Rapid Bubbling
Slows Down


This experiment should demons­trate the enzymatic activity of catalase present in potatoes, as evidenced by the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, observable through the production of bubbles. The intensity and duration of bubbling provide insights into the enzyme's activity under the given condit­ions.


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