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terminology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

common terms to know

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


motor act
ideomotor apraxia
cannot gesture and pantomime on verbal command
Can concep­tualize but not execute the action upon request. Can execute sponta­neous gestures and a one step motor task when the enviro­nmental context induces automatic response.
ideatonal apraxia
cannot sequence multi step tasks
Problem planning and carrying out the steps of a task in the proper order/­seq­uence.
conceptual disorder
doesnt know what the tool does and the function of the tool
Difficulty selecting adequate tool for specific action
constr­uct­ional disorder
Copying 2D drawings and 3D constr­uct­ions.
Struggles with activities that require arranging, building, drawing. Difficulty with the manipu­lation of objects in space.
dressing apraxia
Visuos­patial coordi­nation plus hemine­glect.
Visuos­patial diffic­ulties result in an inability to orient garments correctly, to align them correctly to the body.


brocas - expressive *broken speech (short uttera­nces)
able to understand speech but has difficulty producing speech to commun­icate
wernickies - receptive - speech is effortless but meaning is impaired
able to produce speech but displays difficulty unders­tanding both spoken and written speech
anomic aphasia
charac­terized by difficulty with word retrieval resulting in hesitant or slowed speech
suffer from paralysis and incoor­din­ation of the structures involved in speech which cause slurred and sluggish speech