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pediatrics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

development done feeding done HR done reflexes done assessments done

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

develo­pment - FM, GM, feeding

newborn to 1 mo.
Flexed posture- maintains position from womb (fetal position) Prone- Lifts head briefly and turns head to the side Movements mostly driven by primitive reflexes, for example: 1. Moro reflex 2. Rooting and sucking reflexes – important for baby’s survival, helping them find the source of food
hands fisted, grasp reflex
latches to nip
2 months
lifting head
Hands often open or loosely closed. Grasp reflex still strong
begins to put hands on bottle
3 months
midline orient­ation, prone - puppy position
hands to mouth, hands together
may begin to hold bottle, opens mouth
4 months
chest raise, starting to roll, sits upright with trunk support, head steady
Voluntary grasp begins- holds a toy and shakes it Bilateral approach Mouths toys Starts reaching for toys and bats at dangling toys
may begin to hold bottle, opens mouth
5 months
core/abs neck muscles, supine hands to feet, sits with pelvic support
Reaches for toys Palmar grasp, no thumb used Uses both hands to explore toys
may begin to hold bottle, opens mouth
6 months
moving, rolling, prone, sitting on own
Reaches with one hand Can only hold one object at a time
may begin to hold bottle, opens mouth
7 months
moving backwards, crawling, sits without support
Transfers object from hand to hand Radial palmar grasp Can hold 2 objects
Can hold own bottle when drinking Begins to hold own food and starts to finger feed solids Uses “raking” or “scooping” motion with fingers to secure pieces of food, usually successful Begins to use inferior pincer grasp (thumb and side of index finger) to pick up small food items
8 months
pushes back into 4 point kneeling, perfect sitting balance kneeling, moving forward, crawling
Imitates clapping hands Compares 2 objects by banging together Index poking Radial raking
Can hold own bottle when drinking Begins to hold own food and starts to finger feed solids Uses “raking” or “scooping” motion with fingers to secure pieces of food, usually successful Begins to use inferior pincer grasp (thumb and side of index finger) to pick up small food items
9 months
rocking, standing
Inferior pincer Isolates index finger
Can hold own bottle when drinking Begins to hold own food and starts to finger feed solids Uses “raking” or “scooping” motion with fingers to secure pieces of food, usually successful Begins to use inferior pincer grasp (thumb and side of index finger) to pick up small food items
10 months
crawling on hands and knees
Thumb and finger opposition begins
Indepe­ndent finger feeding Begins to use thumb and tip of index finger (“neat pincer” grasp) to pick up small food items and finger­-feed Holds spoon to play, bang, mouth
11 months
Cruising with one hand for support Walks with hand held Stands indepe­ndently for a short time- 2 seconds, legs wide, arms up/out
Pincer grasp maturing
Indepe­ndent finger feeding Begins to use thumb and tip of index finger (“neat pincer” grasp) to pick up small food items and finger­-feed Holds spoon to play, bang, mouth
12 months
Crawls, bear walks or shuffles on bottom May start walking- can take indepe­ndent steps
Mature pincer grip – thumb opposition and tip of index finger Attempts tower of 2 cubes Scribbles after demo
Indepe­ndent finger feeding Begins to use thumb and tip of index finger (“neat pincer” grasp) to pick up small food items and finger­-feed Holds spoon to play, bang, mouth
15 months
walks, squats
2 cube tower Precise pincer grasp – can pick up crumbs Sponta­neous scribble
Dips spoon in food Brings spoon to mouth, turns spoon over but obtains some food
18 months
Pulls toys while walking Squats to play Climbs up onto big chair and turns to sit Starts to jump with both feet Throws ball while standing Runs with stiff posture
4+ cube tower Pegs in a board Drinks from a cup Feeds self with a spoon
Holds cup and drinks from cup indepe­ndently
24 months
uses spoon indepe­ndently


primitive reflex
Stroke corner of mouth.
by 3 mo
Rapidly drop infants head backwards
by 4-6 mo
plantar grasp
Pressure using thumb on ball of foot
by 9 mo
Hold infant in prone suspen­sion; scratch or tap alongside the spine w/ finger, from shoulder to butt
by 2 mo
ATNR - fencing reflex - Extension of extrem­ities on the face side, flexion of extrem­ities on the skull side
Supine; Turn head to side.
by 6 mo
palmar grasp
Place finger in palm
by 4-6 mo
STNR - Arms extend, legs flex. Arms flex, legs extend
Place in quadruped; cervical extension . Place in quadruped; cervical flexion with chin tuck.
by 8-12 mo
Foot stroked (heel to base of toes)
by 1 year
downward parachute
Suspended vertic­ally, child usually held under arms in vertical suspension and lowered rapidly to simulate a falling sensation
4 months to 1 yr
forward parachute
Suddenly tip infant forward while vertically suspended. Infant held under the arms at mid-thorax and tilted forward.
6-9 months to persist
sideward parachute
Tip infant off-ba­lance to side.
7 mo to persist
backward parachute
Tip infant off-ba­lance backward
9-10 months to persist


motor assessment
Purpose: Standa­rdized test assesses & provides an index of overall motor profic­iency; fine & gross motor compos­ites, including consid­eration of speed, duration, and accuracy of perfor­mance, and hand &/or foot prefer­ences Method: Long & short forms with 8 subtests Popula­tion: 4 – 21 yrs
visual motor/­per­ceptual
Purpose: Assesses visual motor integr­ation Method: Copying geometric forms, sequenced according to level of diffic­ulty; stops at 3 failures Popula­tion: • 30-item Full Format: 2 to 100 years. • 21-item Short Format :2 – 7 years.
sensory processing
sensory profile
Purpose: Measures reactions to daily sensory experi­ences Method: Obtains caregi­ver’s judgment and observ­ation of a child’s sensory proces­sing, modula­tion, and behavioral and emotional responses in each sensory system via a caregiver questi­onnaire Popula­tion: The Sensory Profile has various versions: • Sensory Profile (125 items) for ages 3 -10 years (10 yrs 11 months) • Sensory Profile Short Form (38 items) for ages 3 – 10 yrs. • Sensory Profile 2 (192 items) includes an infant, toddler, child, and school companion form for ages Birth -14 (14 yrs 11 months) yrs i) Infant Sensory Profile: Birth – 36 months ii) Toddler Sensory Profile: 7 – 35 months iii) Child Sensory Profile: 3–14 yrs. iv) Short Sensory Profile: 3–14 yrs. v) School Companion Sensory Profile: Teachers complete for students aged 3–14 years.
visual motor/­per­ceptual
develo­pmental test or visual perception
Purpose: Assesses visual perceptual skills and visual motor integr­ation for levels of perfor­mance and for designing interv­ent­ions. Method: DTVP-3 has 5 subsets: 1. Eye-hand coordi­nation 2. Copying 3. Figure­-ground 4. Visual closure 5. Form constancy Results of the 5 subtests are combined to form three composite scores: Motor-­Reduced Visual Percep­tion, Visual­-Motor Integr­ation, and General Visual Percep­tion, DTVP- A:2 has 7 subtests: 1. Eye–Hand Coordi­nation 2. Form Constancy 3. Copying 4. Visual Closure 5. Visual­-Motor Search 6. Visual­-Motor Speed 7. Figure­–Ground Popula­tion: • Develo­pmental Test of Visual Perception Third Edition (DTVP-3): Ages 4 – 12 (12-11yrs) • Develo­pmental Test of Visual Percep­tion- Adolescent and Adult 2nd Edition (DTVP-A 2): Ages 11 – 74 (74.11 yrs).
motor assessment
Purpose: Standa­rdized rating scales of gross & fine motor develo­pment. In-depth assess­ment, training, and remedi­ation of gross and fine motor skills Method: Test items admini­stered one level below child’s expected motor age in order to maintain a base age level Popula­tion: Birth – 5 yrs.
test of playfu­lness
Purpose: Standa­rdized observ­ation tool for use with infants, children, and adoles­cents. Assesses a child’s playfu­lness and measures engage­ment, motiva­tion, social intera­ctions, affect, and creativity during play. Method: Observed behaviors are rated according to intrinsic motiva­tion, internal control, diseng­agement from constr­aints of relating, and framing Popula­tion: 6 months – 18 yrs.
overall develo­pment assessment
hawaii early learning profile
Purpose: Non-st­and­ardized scale of develo­pmental levels. An educat­ional curric­ulu­m-r­efe­renced test that assesses six areas of function (cogni­tive, gross motor, fine motor, language, social­-em­oti­onal, self-help) Method: Admini­stered in natural enviro­nment; develo­pme­ntally approp. Items admini­stered according to protocols. Admini­str­ation by observ­ation of student; parent interview; or play intera­ction with child. Popula­tion: • HELP: 0-3 years • HELP: 3-6 years
visual motor/­per­ceptual
motor free visual perception test
Purpose: A standa­rdized, quick eval to assess visual perception (spatial relati­ons­hips, visual discri­min­ation, figure ground, visual memory) Method: Number of items admini­stered depends on child’s age Popula­tion: 4 – 80+ yrs
overall develo­pmental assessment
pediatric eval of disability inventory
Purpose: Standa­rdized behavior checklist and rating scale that assesses capabi­lities and detects functional deficits, to determine develop. level, monitor the child’s progress and/or to complete a program evaluation Method: Observ­ation & interview (self-­care, mobility, & social skills) Popula­tion: 6 months – 7 yrs


tripod grasp
The thumb and index fingers “pinch” the pencil just above the tip and the DIP joint of the middle finger is placed behind the pencil, creating a tripod support as the child writes.
static tripod grasp
This grasp typically develops between the ages of 3 and 4. The child forms the grasp with the fingers, but movement is initiated at the wrist.
dynamic tripod
This grasp usually develops by age 5. The child forms a tripod grasp with the fingers and moves the fingers to move the pencil.
lateral grasp
This is a variation of the tripod grasp, in which the thumb is placed next to the index finger, rather than opposite, to brace the pencil. The web space is closed, and more wrist extension is required to write using this grasp.
quadrupod grasp
The thumb, index and middle fingers hold the pencil and the DIP joint of the ring finger is placed behind the pencil, creating a four sided or quadrupod support.

tx for grasp

Poorly integrated palmar reflex – the fingers show a tendency to curl when the palm is pressed.
-Squeezing and opening the hands repeat­edly, either with hands empty or using a small stress ball. -Play activities that require strong, forceful grasp, such as playing on monkey bars or swinging on a trapeze bar. -Forceful hand based heavy work, such as putty exercises with resistive putty, squeezing cylind­rical glue bottles, squeezing a hand exerciser. -Picking up small items with tweezers or connected chopst­icks.
Inadequate prehension patterns – the fingers do not form a quality or forceful tip or palmar pinch. Cause may be poor thumb stability, low finger strength, motor learning or motor control problems.
-Putty exercises focusing on tip and palmar pinch -Activ­ities that require pinch – placing clothe­spins, placing small pegs, popping bubble wrap. -Coloring using broken crayons – the size of the crayons forces the fingers to form a tripod grasp to hold the crayons. Hand over hand assistance may be required at first to provide input for approp­riate finger position and force of grasp on the crayon.
Decreased thumb strength
-Putty exercises focusing on thumb strength. -Lateral pinch activities including placing clothe­spins using lateral pinch, push-b­utton toys using the thumb. -A soft Thumb Spica splint may be necessary if decreased thumb strength is not correc­table through exercise and activity.
Difficulty with finger isolation – the fingers tend to move as a unit, rather than moving indivi­dually.
-Activ­ities that isolate the index finger – pointing, pushing buttons, finger painting with one finger. – “Flicking” games – one finger is used to flick an object at a target. -Pressing keys on a piano or keyboard with hands in set position (no hunt and peck). -Holding a small toy or coin in the ring and little fingers while writing to keep them tucked. -Coloring using broken crayons – may incorp­orate holding a small toy in the ring and little fingers.

tx for grasp

Poorly integrated palmar reflex – the fingers show a tendency to curl when the palm is pressed.
-Squeezing and opening the hands repeat­edly, either with hands empty or using a small stress ball. -Play activities that require strong, forceful grasp, such as playing on monkey bars or swinging on a trapeze bar. -Forceful hand based heavy work, such as putty exercises with resistive putty, squeezing cylind­rical glue bottles, squeezing a hand exerciser. -Picking up small items with tweezers or connected chopst­icks.
Inadequate prehension patterns – the fingers do not form a quality or forceful tip or palmar pinch. Cause may be poor thumb stability, low finger strength, motor learning or motor control problems.
-Putty exercises focusing on tip and palmar pinch -Activ­ities that require pinch – placing clothe­spins, placing small pegs, popping bubble wrap. -Coloring using broken crayons – the size of the crayons forces the fingers to form a tripod grasp to hold the crayons. Hand over hand assistance may be required at first to provide input for approp­riate finger position and force of grasp on the crayon.