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mental health what you need to know ;) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

cog/perceptual assessments, psychosocial assessments, MH terms/models, MH dx,

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

cognit­ive­/pe­rce­putal assess­ments

assessment of motor process skills
to examine functional competence in 2 or 3 familiar and chosen BADL or IADL tasks
3 years of age and older, regardless of diagnosis; approp­riate for those living with a variety of cognitive and perceptual impair­ments
arnadottir ot neurob­eha­vioral eval
used to detect underlying neurob­eha­vioral dysfun­ction
adult population presenting with cognit­ive­/pe­rce­ptual (neuro­beh­avi­oral) deficits
allen cognitive test
screening tool to estimate an indivi­dual’s cognitive level
popula­tions with psychi­atric disorders, acquired brain injuries, and/or dementia
rivermead perceptual assessment
to detect cognitive and perceptual impair­ments
16 years and older who are experi­encing visual­-pe­rce­ptual deficits after head injury or stroke
behavioral inatte­ntion test
examines presence of neglect and its impact on functional task perfor­mance
adults presenting with unilateral neglect
lowenstein ot cognitive assessment
measures basic cognitive functions that are prereq­uisite for managing everyday tasks
persons who have experi­enced a stroke, TBI, or tumor

develo­pmental groups - mosey

18 mo - 2 yr
2-4 yr
egocentric cooper­ative
5-7 yrs
9-12 yrs
15-18 yrs

develo­pmental groups - mosey

18 mo - 2 yr
2-4 yr
egocentric cooper­ative
5-7 yr
9-12 yr
15-18 yrs

psycho­social assess­ments

general assessment of mental status
mini mental state exam
indivi­duals with cognitive or psychi­atric dysfun­ction
assess­ments of cognition, affect, depres­sion, or sensory processing
allen cognitive test
indivi­duals with cognitive or psychi­atric dysfun­ction
assess­ments of cognition, affect, depres­sion, or sensory processing
beck depression inventory
adolescent and adult
assess­ments of task perfor­mance
Compre­hensive Occupa­tional Therapy Evaluation Scale
adults with acute psychi­atric diagnoses
assess­ments of occupa­tional perfor­mance and roles
Canadian Occupa­tional Perfor­mance Measure
indivi­duals over the age of 7 or parents of small children
assess­ments of occupa­tional perfor­mance and roles
Occupa­tional Perfor­mance History Interview
variety of popula­tions from adolescent to elders

activity groups

group type
key element
role of therapist
Assessment of skills and limita­tions through observ­ation
task oriented
Self-a­war­eness and awareness of others through task and intera­ctions with group members
develo­pmental group
Intera­ctional skills develop in a specific sequence
thematic group
Learn skills for specific activity – learning is facili­tated by practicing and experi­encing needed behavior
topical group
Goals and skills for indepe­ndence in community
Maintain level of function and wellness

mental health common dx

will be unable to balance their fear and anxiety with health reality based thinking and often feel a higher level of fear than the situation dictates
An OT should be on the lookout for increased symptoms of an anxiety disorder and take the necessary steps to provide support.
boarde­rline person­ality disorder
unstable and standard tx often requires hospit­ali­zation
The OT should make all attempts to help the patient to feel connected and included. Patients with BPD suffer from feelings of abando­nment and isolation so any changes in care or setting may be unsett­ling. Moods can change quickly so be alert and know the signs and symptoms.
combin­ation of memory loss with other mood and behavior changes that can signal the onset of dementia
A caring, suppor­tive, hopeful approach is key. This support may need to extend to other caregivers and family members as well. Patience is an important skill to develop when working with dementia patients.
depression - mood disorder
Depression is pervasive and can be very subtle. There can be a fine line between normal sadness and depres­sion.
depression can have direct and serious impacts on a patient’s health. Beyond the obvious risk of suicide, depression can also lead to weight­-loss or gain, malnut­rition, gastro­int­estinal issue, and an overall decline in physical strength. Be alert for signs and symptoms of depression and do not be afraid to address these symptoms quickly.
eating disorders
The first concern for a patient with an eating disorder will be addressing their physical health. Many times the compulsive activities associated with these disorders lead to extreme malnut­rition, dehydr­ation and chemical imbala­nces. These medical concerns will need to be addressed quickly, sometimes even before treatment for the eating disorder begins.
A patient may develop an eating disorder as a way to control their enviro­nment or a way to punish themselves for something they feel they did wrong. Patience and empathy are crucial for OTs working with such patients.
mania - mood disorder
can be a symptom of several other mental illnesses, including Manic Depressive Disorder, Bipolar, and several medical condit­ions. The person experi­encing a manic episode may say that they feel great, but they need to be watched very closely for the quick turn from manic to depressed.
OTs need to be alert for risky behaviors and restle­ssness that can signal a manic episode.
OCD - anxiety disorder
Patients with true OCD live in a world where every action they take has deep meaning and they can be extremely fearful, angry, and depressed
OCD behaviors often begin slowly and with something minor, like needing to have food cooked a certain way, or having to clean the kitchen in a certain way every night. But if this develops unchecked it can consume the patient very quickly and have huge conseq­uences for their mental health.
ptsd - anxiety disorder
symptoms of PTSD are triggered when a situation or event reminds the person of the trauma they experi­enced. These triggers can be hard to predict. Sometimes even the littlest thing can trigger a major and explosive reaction.
first goal of an OT should be to determine how much the PTSD has impacted the patient’s perfor­mance and work to discover the specific triggers for the patient. Triggers should be understood and addressed while providing training to the patient and their caregivers to avoid triggers and create healthy routines.
These patients can be extremely volatile, unstable and sometimes dangerous.
OTs should focus on quality of life. Some symptoms of this disorder may be reduced through psycho­edu­cation and training in self-care and social intera­ctions.
substance abuse
Alcohol, drugs and even cigarettes can interact with prescribed medication in dangerous ways
OT will need to support and educate both the patient and the caregiver in order for a positive outcome to be mainta­ined.