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Kanban Bash Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Configuration and daily use instructions with examples for Kanban Bash.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


curl -LO ""
chmod 755 ./kanban
./kanban init


- Config file: .kanba­n/.k­an­ban.conf

That file and the .kanban folder are created in your local directory when you run kanban init.

- Board size: The board resizes automa­tically according to terminal width.

The terminal size from which Kanban Bash switches to its Small Size display is configured in file .kanba­n/.k­an­ban.conf

Look for XSMALL=

- Columns / Statuses: They can be configured easily in the file .kanba­n/.k­an­ban.conf

Look for statuses=
Advice: Use single­-word statuses names in order to improve readab­ility.

Daily usage

Create new card
kanban add
List cards
kanban list
Read board
kanban show