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WGU C715 CH 5 Cheat Sheet by

Organization Behavior-Ch 5

Ch 5 Questions - Video

1) Which of the following does the heredity approach state?
b) An indivi­dual's person­ality is determined by molecular structure of the genes.
2) Valerie Sinclair, a climate campaigner at an enviro­nmental organi­zation, invariably uses rationale to make decisions for project implem­ent­ation. She believes that the right decisions can be made only through scrutiny and analysis. Each time she needs to make a decision, she weighs all options before taking action. Which of the following is Sinclair's person­ality type according to the Myers-­Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classi­fic­ation? (page 140)
c) thinking
3) What is the major problem with the Myers-­Briggs Type Indicator as a measure of person­ality? (page 140)
b) It forces a person to be catego­rized as either one type or another.
4) ________ is as important for managers as for front-line employees and, among all Big Five Model traits, is most consis­tently related to job perfor­mance. (page 142)
c. Consci­ent­iou­sness
5) Indivi­duals scoring ________ have a strong ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situat­ional factors and can behave differ­ently in different situat­ions. (page 147)
d) high on self-m­oni­toring
6) Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding people with proactive person­ali­ties? (page 148)
d) They are more likely than others to be seen as leaders.
7) Which of the following is true of values? (page 151)
c) They have content and intensity attrib­utes.
8) Which of the following is an instru­mental value? (page 152)
c) personal discipline
9. John Holland's person­ali­ty-job fit theory presents six person­ality types. Which of the following is one of these six types? (page 154)
d) invest­igative
10. With reference to the Hofstede's framework, which country scores highest in indivi­dua­lism? (page 156)
a) United States

Ch 5 Questions - Study Guide

1) Esther Lugo has gone for an interview at an advert­ising firm in Manhattan and has been asked to complete a self-r­eport survey to help interv­iewers understand if she is the right candidate for the job. From the interview, they have found that she is extrov­erted, empathic, scrupu­lous, and cooper­ative in nature, which are key charac­ter­istics needed for the job. These charac­ter­istics about Lugo indicate her ________.
E) person­ality
2) Which of the following does the heredity approach state?
B) An indivi­dual's person­ality is determined by molecular structure of the genes.
3) Elaine Chambe­rlain works as a research executive at an enviro­nmental organi­zation. Though her colleagues are helpful and friendly, because of her shy nature, she often eats her lunch at her desk and has limited intera­ctions with them. She is glad that her nature of work does not require her to interact with her co-workers to a high extent. Which of the following types is Chambe­rlain most likely to be charac­terized as according to the Myers-­Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classi­fic­ation?
B) introv­erted
4) Which dimension of the Big Five model is a measure of reliab­ility?
C) consci­ent­iou­sness
5) Which of the following statements is true about people with positive core self-e­val­uat­ions?
A) They are committed to their goals and set ambitious goals.
6) Indivi­duals scoring ________ have a strong ability to adjust their behavior to external, situat­ional factors and can behave differ­ently in different situat­ions.
D) high on self-m­oni­toring
7) Milton Rokeach created the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS), which consists of two sets of values, namely ________ values and ________ values.
A) instru­mental; terminal
8) Which of the following is an instru­mental value according to the Rokeach Value Survey?
C) personal discipline

Ch 5 Questions - Additional

1) Esther Lugo has gone for an interview at an advert­ising firm in Manhattan and has been asked to complete a self-r­eport survey to help interv­iewers understand if she is the right candidate for the job. From the interview, they have found that she is extrov­erted, empathic, scrupu­lous, and cooper­ative in nature, which are key charac­ter­istics needed for the job. These charac­ter­istics about Lugo indicate her ________.
E) person­ality
2) Which of the following does the heredity approach state?
B) An indivi­dual's person­ality is determined by molecular structure of the genes.
3) Elaine Chambe­rlain works as a research executive at an enviro­nmental organi­zation. Though her colleagues are helpful and friendly, because of her shy nature, she often eats her lunch at her desk and has limited intera­ctions with them. She is glad that her nature of work does not require her to interact with her co-workers to a high extent. Which of the following types is Chambe­rlain most likely to be charac­terized as according to the Myers-­Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classi­fic­ation?
B) introv­erted
4) Which dimension of the Big Five model is a measure of reliab­ility?
C) consci­ent­iou­sness
5) Which of the following statements is true about people with positive core self-e­val­uat­ions?
A) They are committed to their goals and set ambitious goals.
6) Indivi­duals scoring ________ have a strong ability to adjust their behavior to external, situat­ional factors and can behave differ­ently in different situat­ions.
D) high on self-m­oni­toring
7) Milton Rokeach created the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS), which consists of two sets of values, namely ________ values and ________ values.
A) instru­mental; terminal
8) Which of the following is an instru­mental value according to the Rokeach Value Survey?
C) personal discipline


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