Physical Science- Beginning of year review.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Science Skills
Observing |
Measuring |
Organizing |
Classifying |
Hypothesizing |
Predicting |
Analyzing |
Inferring |
Modeling |
Specialized Fields in Science
Biochemistry Biology+chemistry
Organic Chemistry Most substances that contain carbon
Inorganic Chemistry Most substances that don't contain carbon
Mechanics Study of Motion of Objects
Thermodynamics Heat + its properties
Nuclear Physics Processes in the nucleus of an atom
Astrophysics Celestial bodies
Acoustics Sound + its properties
Optics Light + its properties
Physical Science
Physical Science Study of non-living things. Matter+Energy
Chemistry Matter + its changes
Physics Study of all forms of energy, changes among forms
Specialist Person studying a specific field of a subject
Specialization Work in one part of a subject
Area (cm2) L x W
Volume (cm3) L x W x H or B x H
Volume(Irregular shape) (cm3) V(displaced liquid, mL)= V(object, cm3)
Density g / cm3
Volume Amount of space in an object
Density Arrangement of particles in a substance, how closely packed they are in a specific amount of space. Heavy/Light have to do with density
Mass Amount of matter in an object
Temperature Average amount of kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, Hot/Cold
Metric / SI
English system Used in USA
S.I - International System of Units Standard used worldwide
Metric Staircase K-h-da-UNIT-d-c-m
Scientific Experiments
Constant Factor that remains unchanged
Independent Variable You control; adjustable
Dependent Variable Stimulus that we don't change but is changed by other variables
Control Part of experiment that remains unchanged to compare the results
Scientific Method Series of steps used to investigate a scientific question; steps can be skipped or repeated
Scientific Method
State the Problem Ask a question about the problem to learn about/solve
Background Research Textbooks, internet, scientific journals, encyclopedias, newspapers
Formulate a Hypothesis Suggest a solution to the problem
Design an experiment Organized process designed to test hypothesis. List all materials and procedure in correct step-by-step order
Collect + Organize Data Detailed charts, graphs, models, drawings
Analyze Data Study data carefully
Draw a Conclusion Is the hypothesis right or wrong? Restate it. Based on analysis of data.