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Fabula Ultima Reference Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

GM and player reference

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Check types

Accuracy (combat)
Use weapon's formula (see weapon list)
HR (high roll of two rolled dice) + weapon bonus
Magic (cast offensive spell or ritual)
Depends on spell used
Spell determines
Both partic­ipants roll the same applicable dice
Highest roll wins. Crits can generate OPPORT­UNITIES
Open (used for ex. for research, no DC is set)
Roll approp­riate attributes
Compare to DC table for level of success
Once PC is LEADER, others are SUPPORT. SUPPORTS roll vs DC 10, and on success, add +1 to LEADER'S roll. Each BOND with the LEADER and succeeds on their roll, they ADD their strongest BOND with the LEADER to the roll. LEADER then rolls with these bonuses
MODIFIERS - +2 / -2 determined by (dis)a­dva­ntage of PC in the situation and set by GM

See page 51 for common checks and what rolls to use


Inventory Points
You start with six points, may have more based on skills
It costs 10z per point to recover points in town, you may never go over your max Inventory
Points cannot be shared
Spending points
Points can be spent on items on page 104 (potions, shards, tent). Item MUST be immedi­ately used when paid for, and is deplet­ed/­des­troyed after use
You cannot save created items for later
Gear and Tools
You will always have available, at no cost, basic tools approp­riate to your class and skills
Certain items have a red diamond icon in their entry. This markes them as martial, and only specific classes can use them
You get one free slot for Armor, one for main hand gear, one for off hand gear, and one slot for an accessory
Anything not equipped is in the BACKPACK. You can store as much as makes sense in your BACKPACK
Pulling something from your BACKPACK always requires an action

Fabula Points

Start with 3 points as a new Character
Gain 1 point on a FUMBLE
Gain a point when a VILLAIN enters the SCENE - this can stack if multiple villains enter the same scene
Always start with at least one at the start of the session
If you SURRENDER , gain 2 FABULA points
Invoking BONDS or TRAITS to force yourself to fail a check, gain 1 POINT
No limit to how many points you may have at any time

Combat - Initiative - Actions

PCs do an INITIATIVE GROUP CHECK, need to beat the enemy's HIGHEST INIT
If PCs win, one of them goes first, then an enemy, then an ally, then an enemy, etc
Actions - everyone gets one ACTION PER ROUND
You CANNOT pass your round/turn
Whichever side won INITIATIVE has won it for the entire encounter, there is no rerolling INIT

Attack Rolls

Decide if you can reach target
Flying targets, for ex. might not be hittable with melee
Roll Accuracy check
Weapon Accuracy vs Target's Defense number
Fumbles & Crits
On a hit, do Weapon DMG
Target is: Vulnerable = 2x damage, Resistant = 1/2 dmg, Immune takes no damage, Absorbing recovers HP = to damage inflicted
Using a weapon tagged multi lets you make that many attacks, but just make one attack roll and compare to each target. Crit success means you auto hit all your targets, Fumble means you miss them all. Do normal damage to each target
Two weapon fighting
Weapons must be of same category. Multi weapons lose the multi property for the attack. Damage is 0+ weapon (you don't use HR)
You can never use two weapon fighting in a free attack

DC Setting

Action Difficulty
Comparable to
anyone with some training or natural talent
A competent person
An expert or prodigy
Very Hard
Someone who is among the very best in their field
When in doubt for a DC, just go with 10


Each BOND may have THREE EMOTIONS connected to it at most
EMOTIONS come in pairs (ex. Loyalty and Mistrust) and PC can only have one element of the pair in a current BOND
Creation of BONDS can occur during RESTS or be granted by an OPPORT­UNITY. New bonds get a single EMOTION and a starting STRENGTH of +1
During RESTS you can shift EMOTIONS around and add more EMOTIONS to a BOND
You can never have more the SIX Bonds. You may manually remove a BOND to make space for a new one
Even after DEATH, PCs continue to have the BONDS until they are erased


Each Travel Day, determine the Travel Roll Die (choose the highest die roll for the terrain) and roll against it
Travel roll >= 6
Encounter a danger
Travel roll = 1
Make an unexpected discovery
After rolling, continue travelling
List of Dangers is on p 108

Combat - Movement

Movement is not distinct from your action, it's part of it. So to dash across the room and punch the monster in the nose is an action
Descri­ptive cool sh*t doesn't take up part of your action, it is part of it. So doing a cool blade dance as you close in and attack doesn't count against you

Study Action

Basic info. A Hint that's useful but not broad
Complete. A full answer, no room for doubt
Detailed, Complete plus a bonus detail
Encycl­opedic. Everything someone would know about the question

Damage, HP, and MP

Zero HP
Zero MP
Cannot cast spells or use MP-based abilities
They are down, players can finish them off if they want
Zero HP Villain
Villain surrenders or tries to flee
Villain must spend 1 Ultima point to freely escape
PC at Zero - Sacrifice option
Sacrifice themselves to complete a great goal
Two of the following conditions required
* A villain is in the scene
* A PC you have a BOND with would benefit
* Your sacrifice benefits the world
PC at Zero HP - Surrender option
They are not DEAD and cannot be killed (it's against the game's theme!)
PC is knocked out, but gains 2 FABULA points
PC wakes up at start of next scene that they'd be part of
GM may inflict a CONSEQ­UENCE, see p89
Requires uninte­rrupted 4-6 hours
Recover all HP and MP
Remove all STATUS effect­s/c­ond­itions
May create a new BOND towards someone or something
May add a new EMOTION to a BOND
May erase an EMOTION from a BOND and replace it with a new one

Spells and Rituals

Casting a spell
You must be able to move your body, but can be holding items
Must be able to speak
Must have enough MP to cast the chosen spell
Must be able to see your target, unless it's yourself
Spell cast checks
Offensive spells: Elemental, Entrop­hism, and Spiritism require INSL + WLP checks. Chimerism can choose between INS+WLP or MIG+WLP. Roll vs Target's Magic Defense. Crits auto succeed
Non-of­fensive spells automa­tically succeed
Fumbles and Crits
Generate OPPORT­UNITIES as normal
Hidden casting
Not possible, it's always obvious you're casting
Spell effects, such as ones that cause condit­ions, do not stack, only the most recent effect is relevant
Describe what you want the ritual to do
Determine MP cost by consulting AREA and POTENCY tables
Cast like a spell, but roll vs POTENCY DL (see p 118)

Ultima Points for Villains

Minor villain
5 - enemy commander, unique or infamous monsters
10 - tyrants, mages, powerful legendary creatures
15 - Archde­mons, demigods, immortals
Spending points
- Escape
1 point to leave the scene
- Invoke Trait
After performing a check, Villain may spend a point to invoke a TRAIT and reroll one or both dice
- Recovery
1 Point to gain back 50 Mind Points and remove ALL STATUS effects
Villains do not gain more or recover Ultima pts
A villain with 0 Ultima points stops being a villain and becomes an NPC, though they may ESCALATE
- Escalate
Villain rises to the next level (ex, Minor becomes Major)
Treat villain as a whole new character with a new stock of Ultima points
Give players one FABULA point


melee or ranged attacks
Switch equipped gear with something in your pack. Cannot do this for ARMOR
Guard (once per turn at start of your next turn)
Gain RESISTANCE to all damage types. +2 to OPPOSED CHECKS. You may COVER another creature, preventing all MELEE attacks against them
Perform a DC 10 check against a foe. Success = make them dazed, shaken, slow, or weak
Spend INVENTORY PTS to produce and immedi­ately use a consumable item
Work towards completing a conflict objective. Uses an ATTRIB or OPPOSED check. If complex - may require a clock
Cast one spell
Gain info about someone or something. Uses an INS+INS open check
Use a Skill
Some skills require an action to activate
Your do something that's not part of this list
Players may use GROUP checks when performing actions, but that means all supporting players and the lead player have used their action for the round.


Die or Dice Reduced
Dex & Insight
Might & Willpower
Effects can be cumula­tive, though no die can go below d6


Die or Dice Reduced

Using Bonds or Traits to adjust rolls

After making a check, you can SPEND a FABULA POINT and invoke IDENTITY, ORIGIN, or approp­riate THEME
Spend a point, and reroll one or both dice taking the better results.
You can continue to spend FABULA points to reroll, there's no limit to rerolls until you run out of FABULA points
BONDS - after making a check, spend a FABULA POINT to invoke the bond. Add the STRENGTH of the BOND to the overall roll total