Default command key is Ctrl-b. This will be annoted below by ^
Command Line
Start a new session |
tmux [new session name] |
List sessions |
tmux ls |
Attach to existing session |
tmux a -t [name or number from ls] |
Kill server and all sessions |
tmux kill-server |
Kill named session |
Kill named session tmux kill-session -t [session name] |
If starting a new session fails with something like no server running on /tmp/tmux-1001/default
, use:
tmux new-session -s [new session name]
Moving around
Enter copy mode (Also scroll) |
[ (q to quit) |
Quit copy mode |
q |
Paste |
] |
Detatch |
d |
New session |
:new |
List sessions |
s |
Name session |
$ |
Split horizontally |
" |
Split vertically |
% |
Next pane |
o |
Previous pane |
; |
Kill this pane |
x |
Kill all panes but this one |
! |
Swap panes |
Ctrl-O |
Resize pane |
Alt-<arrow key to resize in that direction> |
New window |
c |
Rename window |
, |
Next window |
n |
Previous window |
p |
Last window |
l (small L) |
List windows |
w |
Find window |
f <name> |
Kill window |
& |
Move window |
. |
Command Line
Start a new session |
tmux [new -s <name>] |
List sessions |
tmux ls |
Attach to existing session |
tmux a -t <name or number from ls> |
Kill server and all sessions |
tmux kill-server |
Kill named session |
tmux kill-session -t <name> |
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