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Cheat sheet for Go Programming language syntax.


Packages in Go supports modula­rity, encaps­ula­tion, separate compil­ation, and reuse.
Package declar­­ation at top of every source file
Standalone execut­­ables program are in package main
If an entity is declared within a function, it is local to that function.
If declared outside of a function, however, it is visible in all files of the package to which it belongs
The case of the first letter of a name determines its visibility across package bounda­ries.
 ­  Upper case identi­­fier: Exported i.e visible and acces­­sible outside of its own package.
 ­  Lower case identi­­fier: private (not accessible from other packages)


var x int = 11
*int is intege­rPo­inter type.
‘p’ will contain the address of an integer variable.
You can also say that p points to an int variable.
var p *int
// Expression &var (address of var) yields a pointer to a variable.
p = &x // will contain address of x
// Expression *p points to the variable whose address p contains. *p is an alias for x.


Arrays and Structs are aggregate type
Arrays are homoge­neous
Array is fixed length sequence of zero or more elements of particular type.
var a[3] int  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ // Array of 3 integers
var a[3]int = [3]int{1, 2, 3} // use an array literal to initialize an array with a list of values
a[len(­a)-1]  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  // Print last element
q := [...]i­nt{1, 2, 3} // with ellipsis ... , array length is determined by the number of initia­lizer

Naming Convention

// a name begins with a letter or an underscore and may have any number of additional letters, digits, and unders­cores
type pl­aye­­r­­Score struct // Use CamelCase
const MaxT­ime int
var file­C­­losed bool // Use the complete words in larger scopes
var arg []string // Use fewer letters in smaller scopes
var local­API string // Use All caps for acronym


There are four major kinds of declar­ations: var, const, type, func
var name type = expression
// Either the type or the =expre­ssion part may be omitted, but not both
// If the type is omitted, it is determined by the initia­lizer expres­sion.
If the expression is omitted, the initial value is the zero value for the type, which is 0 for numbers, false for booleans.
var foo int = 42 // declare and init. var name type = expression
var sep string    ­ ­        // implicit initialize
s, sep := "­", "­"  ­ ­          // Short variable declar­ation. name := expression
p := new(int) // p, of type *int, points to an unnamed int variable
// new(T) creates unnamed variable of type T, initialize it to the zero value of T and returns its address.
A constant is an identifier for a fixed value. The value of a variable can vary, but the value of a constant must remain constant.
const constant = "This is a consta­nt"
const a float64 = 3.14
Function Declar­ation
A function declar­ation has a name, a list of parame­ters, an optional list of results
// function with params
func getFul­lNa­me(­fir­stName string, lastName string) {}
// Multiple params of the same type
func getFul­lNa­me(­fir­stName, lastName string) {}
// Can return type declar­ation
func getId() int
// Can return multiple values at once
func person() (int, string) {
  return 23, "­vin­ay"
// Can return multiple named results
func person() (age int, name string) {
  age = 23 name = "­vin­ay"
var age, name = person()
// Can return function
func person() func() (strin­g,s­tring) {
  area:=­func() (strin­g,s­tring) {
   ­  return "­str­eet­", "­cit­y"
return area


// There only for, no while, no until
for i := 1; i < len(os.Args); i++ {}   // initia­liz­ation; condition; post {}
for condition {}  ­ ­ ­ ­  // While loop
// 'range' produces a pair of values: the index and the value of the element at that index. '_' is called blank identi­fier.
for _, arg := range os.Arg­s[1:]


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