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148 History Cheat Sheets

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148 Cheat Sheets tagged with History

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To what extent did the politcal landscape change between 1918 and 1979? In what ways and with what success did governments deal with economic change 1918-79? How effectively did governments respond to changes in the workplace between 1918-1979?
7 Dec 17
1 Page
To what extent did the politcal landscape change between 1918 and 1979? In what ways and with what success did governments deal with economic change 1918-79? How effectively did governments respond to changes in the workplace between 1918-1979?
7 Dec 17
1 Page
2 Pages
This Cheat Sheet will guide you through the different types of Governments that countries use to govern their citizens.
7 Jul 20
1 Page
Important theories and scientists Development of microbiology, soil microbiology, medical microbiology and immunology
9 Apr 21
2 Pages
Summary of Leibniz for the first year course History of Modern Philosophy
19 Mar 23
2 Pages
Machiavel : c'est le premier à vulgariser le terme d'Etat. Séparation stricte entre les titulaires et le pouvoir. Moore : Il tente de concilier la politique et la morale chrétienne. Il s'oppose au protestantisme et refuse le remariage du roi avec Anne Bollène qui est l'élément déclencheur de l'anglicanisme.
10 Apr 23
3 Pages
L'école absolutiste est composée de Pierre Cardin Le Bret et de Jacques Bénigne Bossuet Thomas honnes
10 Apr 23
3 Pages
Grolius Samuel Von Pufendorf
10 Apr 23
5 Pages
psyu1101 exam revision
21 May 23