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3 1stpu Cheat Sheets

3 Cheat Sheets tagged with 1stpu

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2 Pages
Introduction to basic equations. Understanding the basics before diving into more difficult and brain-scratching topic. Here are the fundamental notes required for understanding hard concepts in physics and mathematics.
18 Mar 25
2 Pages
The chapter "Physical World" introduces physics as the fundamental science that explains natural phenomena through observation, experimentation, and mathematical modeling. It explores the scope of physics, its relationship with technology, and its role in advancing human knowledge. The scientific method, unification of physical laws, and fundamental forces of nature—gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear are discussed.
15 Mar 25
physics, jee, grd12, grd11, 1stpu and 6 more ...
2 Pages
Need for measurements, units of measurement, system of units, fundamental and derived units in SI, measurement of length, mass and time. Accuracy and precision of measuring instruments, errors in measurement. Significant figures.
18 Mar 25

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