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Psychology - working memory model - AO1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Memory - Working memory model AO1

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Central executive (CE)

The central executive is involved in the process the monitors data. The central executive monitors data, makes decisions and allocates tasks to slave systems. The central executive has a very limited processing capacity.

The episodic buffer (EB)

The episodic buffer is the third of the slave systems. The episodic buffer was added in 200 after the either slave systems by Baddeley. The episodic buffer is a temporary storage system for inform­ation. The episodic buffer acts a storage system for the central executive. The episodic buffer has a limited capacity of about 4 chunks. The episodic buffer links the working memory model to the LTM.

Phonol­ogical loop (PL)

The phonol­ogical loop is the first of the slave systems and processes auditory inform­ation. The phonol­ogical loop preserves the order in which the auditory inform­ation arrives. The phonol­ogical loop is further subdivided into groups - the phonol­ogical store and the articu­latory process.
The phonol­ogical store - the phonol­ogical store process the words in which you hear
The articu­latory process - the articu­latory process allows for mainte­nance rehearsal. The loop has a capacity of about 2 seconds worth of what you can say.

The visual spatial sketchpad (VSS)

The visual spatial sketchpad is teh second of the slave systems and processes visual and spatial inform­ation. The visual spatial sketchpad has a capacity of about 4 objects (Badde­ley). The visual spatial sketchpad was further subdivided into groups by Logie - the visual cache and the inner scribe
the visual cache - the visual cache process visual inform­ation
The inner scribe - the winner scribe organises arranged objects on the visual field.