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7510 Command Line Reference v0.5 Cheat Sheet by

The Command Line Interface for the 7510 Media Gateway

7510 Basic Commands

create ...
Is used to add or create something new (ex: create ospf area). You can also use add instead of create.
view ...
Is used to display or view something (ex: view nodes). You can also use show instead of view.
define ...
Is used to set or define something that already exists (ex: define ospf enable). You can also use set instead of define.
Used to clear a field or reset a parameter
remove ...
Removes the config­­ur­ation for something (ex: remove port label)

Remote Accessing the 7510

ssh <ip­-ad­dre­ss>
First step in accessing the 7510 MGW is to SSH to the IP address of it. If you do no know the MGW's IP, you can SSH to Host01 on the ISC side, and use the virsh commands to access the 7510 tenant.

virsh console <vm­_na­me>
If you came in by SSH to the ISC Host, you can use the virsh command to open a 'virtual shell' to the vm instance of the 7510 you wish to manage. (ex:
virsh console 02-s00­c17h0

node-c­onsole -s <sl­ot-­num>

rconsole <ga­tew­ay> <ap­pl-­id>
This allows you to switch from active SCM to active PIM, or stnby PIM to Act SCM etc... The <ga­tew­ay> is usually 1. <ap­pl-­id> is the card number of the SCM or PIM.

define scope vmg <vm­g-n­um> | none 
This allows you to move between either of the vmg's on the SCM. Your prompt will change to reflect which one you are using.

File Management & Scripts

Lists out the contents of the current directory.
copy <so­urc­e-f­ile> <de­st-­fil­e>
Copies the source file you specify to the path of the new location.
compare <fi­le1> <fi­le2>
Compares two files.
cat <fi­len­ame>
Lets you view the file.
remove file <fi­len­ame>
Removes specified file.
Saves the current config­uration of the 7510.
run script <fi­len­­r>
Runs the script that you specify.
wait time <de­lay>
A command you can add to a script that causes a pause for the specified <de­lay> amount in milise­conds.
define file privilege <fi­len­ame> <pr­ivi­leg­e_l­ett­er>
This lets you set the file's permis­sions. The privilege options are p(assw­ord), v(iew), s(ystem), u(pdate), c(ode). These allow users to modify if they have the above permis­sions.

Admini­str­ative / Verifi­cation Commands

These commands are more admini­str­ative in nature, dealing with users/­logins, verifi­cation of system settings.

define ui switch­-user diag
This allows you to switch to the diag (root) account if you are logged in via another user.

define vmg scope <vm­g-i­d>
Once you log into the SCM have to use this command to access the individual vMedia Gateway applic­ations. You can find the vmg-id of each by running
view vmg status

view ui
Great command to see who else is logged into the console. Because the 7510 can only have a limited number of logged in users remotely.

view access remote
Shows you what users can access the system remotely (ssh)

clear ui <se­ssi­on-­num>
This command will disconnect any user that is logged you. You must use the
view ui
command to get the session number you wish to kill.

ping <ho­st>
Works just as any ping works. You can also add the source and # of pings. Stop with

view nodes
Shows the available nodes that are configured on the 7510. Examples are the active and standby PIM's and SCM's.

view vmg status
Shows the status and state of the gateway to the contro­ller.

view mgw config
Shows the mgw config­ura­tion.

view module config­uration all
Shows some stats about each module. Included is the Gateway, and App ID of the modules.

view version
Displays the version of the 7510 current software load.

view alarm active
View the active alarms. User the word
instead of view to erase the active alarms.

reboot module
This will reboot the vm applic­ation that you're logged into.

reset module <ga­tew­ay> <ap­pl>
Can only be run from the active SCM. Need to specify the targeted gateway and applic­ation numbers.

define ui switch­-user <ta­rge­t_u­ser>
Allows you to switch your current nonsup­eruser account to either a super-user or another user.

define admin enable <us­ern­ame>
Enables the specified user account

IP Addresses and Ports Syntax

Port Label Syntax

en Used to identify an Ethernet port applic­ation.
This example indicates an Ethernet port, on gateway number 1, in applic­ation number 10 (scm), and physical port 1.

gw Used to identify a Gateway port service or component.

The example indicates the gateway 1, applic­ation id 10.

view port state <po­rt-­lab­el> 
Displays the Operat­ion­al/­Admin state of the port you specify. The port label is in the form of the above example. (ex: en.scm.1 )

create port label <po­rt> <te­xt-­lab­el>

port label feature eliminates the need to remember long port address
conven­tions like en.10.1.

view port label all
Shows you all of the ports and their labels. ( Ex:
scm_10_1 eth0 0 )

view ip config­uration
Shows the IP config of the 7510

view ip if
Shows the interfaces of the 7510. Both v4 and v6.

view route table
Shows the ipv4 routing table.

view ipv6 route
Shows specif­ically the ipv6 routing table

Misc. Details

*Remember you can and will see commands abbrev­iated, such as
instead of
. Don't be confused.

*To view all available choices relating to a command you can issue the
command, and all of the valid next choices for that command are listed.

*All filenames that you create can at max be 8 charac­ters, with a min/max of a 3 character extension.

Misc Commands

The commands here most likely will not be common place to run, but may aid in verifi­cation of system config and security.

view telnet state
Tells you rather the telnet service is enabled or disabled.
define telnet state {enabl­e|d­isable}
Allows you to enable or disable the telnet service


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