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Assistant property manager

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Leasing management

Misc addend­um>Wa other amnt 2 $75
>Manage lease


Screening applic­ations
Email helpdesk subj: "­SCR­EENING OVERRI­DE"
Renters Insurance
Renters insurance interf­ace­>create new policy

Section 8

Leasing kit
oh goodie

Move outs

20 days notice given
Required by state
Receive keys
Walk unit note any major damages
Hand off keys
Keep building and laundry keys. Give mail and unit keys to mainte­nance
Push final utilities
Conser­vic­e>C­lient login>­res­ident specify>Move out
Once these steps are done, proceed to deposit accoun­ting.

Assistant Manager duties

Manage rentable items
Deposit accounting
DA from menu>check if info is correct>Post
Deposit Accounting Move out
-Check for WSG final
-$125 Standard cleaning fee
-$120 Carpet Cleaning
-(in account) Report­s>Move out Statem­ent­>PD­F>P­rin­t>PM to sign
Repots­>An­aly­tic­s>F­ina­nci­al>AP Analytics Aging change date to current
select control link>F­unc­tio­n>A­tta­chm­ent­>Upload Title "MOS last name"

Violation Letters

Extract data from Yardi
Print, mail, and upload 30 day notices
Payment plans need to be signed and uploaded
If Tenant fails to pay FULL rent the plan nulls
Small balance letters
Only print, keep informal
Rent is due on the 1st and late on the 5th. Serve notices on the 5th.

Delinq­uency management

PM to review and send out every Monday
Reach out to tenants to get some sort of game plan to balance their account.
Do not reach out to tenants already going to atty's office
Leave notes in right side

Hot tips

Legers always tell the story
Move outs
Tenants can physically move out whenever, but are rent respon­sible for 20 days
Key charges
$20 Buildi­ng&La­undry, $5 Unit&mail


Screening Issue
Email helpdesk subject "­SCR­EENING OVERRI­DE"
Luxor account creation
Right side of "­rec­ipi­ent­" tab.
Fill out info and check "send welcome email" box
only roommate moving out
Sign roommate release
Adding concession
Functi­on>­quick charge­>Ne­gative number­>"up front">­charge