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Starfinder New Starship Roles Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

New Starship Roles from The Character Operations Manual

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Chief Mate Actions

Hard Turn (Helm Phase, Push)
(DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
Attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed, the pilot can make one turn during the round as though the maneuv­era­bility of the starship were improved by one step. This has no effect on a ship with perfect maneuv­era­bility.
If you fail your check by 10 or more, you overheat and tempor­arily degrade the effect­iveness of the starship’s maneuv­ering thrusters, causing the ship’s maneuv­era­bility to worsen by one step for the rest of this round.
Manual Realig­nment (Helm Phase)
(DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
Attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed and the science officer also succeeds at their check to perform the scan action, they receive one additional piece of inform­ation, as though their result were 5 higher.
If you fail the check by 10 or more, you knock the sensors out of alignment altoge­ther, and no check to scan can be attempted this round as the system recali­brate.
Targeting Aid (Engin­eering Phase, 6 Ranks, Push, RP 1)
(DC = 20 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
You must spend 1 Resolve Point and attempt either an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 20 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). One gunner can then take the fire at will or broadside action without the associated penalty to gunnery checks (normally –4 for fire at will and –2 for broadside; see page 324 of the Core Rulebook for more inform­ation).
If you fail the check by 10 or more, that gunner instead takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls they make this round. This action can be taken more than once per round, but only once per gunner acting in that round.
Maximize Speed (Helm Phase, 12 Ranks, Push, RP 1)
(DC = 25 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
This requires spending 1 Resolve Point and succeeding at an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 25 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier), at which point the speed of your starship increases by 2 for this round.
This increase is cumulative with other increases to speed, such as from the engineer diverting power to the engines.

Magic Officer Actions

Eldritch Shot (Engin­eering Phase, Push)
(DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
Choose one weapon on your starship to augment and attempt a Mysticism check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed, the gunner treats the range of that weapon as 5 hexes longer than normal.
This does not work for weapons with the point special property.
Precog­nition (Engin­eering Phase)
(DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
Attempt a Mysticism check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). On a success, you grant the pilot a +2 circum­stance bonus to their Piloting check at the beginning of the helm phase to determine piloting order.
Scrying (Engin­eering Phase)
You employ a substa­ntial form of divina­tion, such as dealing from a digital harrow deck, reading the future by interp­reting the splatter of leaking coolant on your ship, or visually scanning the readouts of your starship’s myriad screens to pull deeper and predictive meaning from the lights and sounds around you. This functions as the scan science officer action, but you attempt a Mysticism check instead of a Computers check.
For inform­ation about the effects of a successful scan action, see page 325 of the Core Rulebook.
Mystic Haze (Engin­eering Phase, Rank 5, Push, RP 1)
(DC = 20 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
If you have at least 6 ranks in Mysticism, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and attempt a Mysticism check (DC = 20 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier); if you succeed, you call forth a magical burst of static to block your enemy’s view. This obscuring field garbles your opponent’s sensors and hinders their ability to gain inform­ation about your ship’s defenses and positi­oning, providing your starship a +1 enhanc­ement bonus to AC until the end of the next round. In addition, the increased interf­erence means all science officers on the opposing starship taking the scan or lock on actions before the end of the next round must roll twice for their checks and use the worse result.
Psychic Currents (Engin­eering Phase, Rank 12, RP 1)
(DC = 20 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
If you have at least 12 ranks in Mysticism, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and attempt a Mysticism check (DC = 20 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier) to manipulate myster­ious, invisible forces in the void of space, expanding and contra­cting the basic physics around your own vessel and altering how your starship can negotiate the confines of physical space-­time. On a successful check, reduce your starship’s minimum distance between turns by 1 (to a minimum of 0) for that round.

Open Crew Actions

Erratic Maneuv­ering (Open)
You trigger minor maneuv­ering thrusters, probe launchers, ballast vents, and other secondary systems at random to cause your starship to make small, unexpected jukes in its trajec­tory. This does not affect the starship’s facing or movement, but it grants a +1 circum­stance bonus to your starship’s AC and TL against any opponent that performs the flyby stunt this round.
Feign Disaster (Open)
(DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier)
Each enemy vessel’s captain (or the science officer with the highest Computers skill bonus, if the ship has no captain) must attempt a Computers check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier) immedi­ately after you take this action; this doesn’t take them an action. On a successful check, the enemy ship’s crew sees through your ruse and this action has no effect, but on a failed check, their crews automa­tically take steps to ensure that their own ship’s sensors are not blinded by the energy released by your ship’s theore­tical imminent destru­ction. These emergency procedures impose a –2 penalty on their checks for scan and lock on actions taken against your ship, as well as on Piloting checks attempted while within 1 hex of your starship. Once used, regardless of the outcome, feign disaster can’t be used again during the same combat encounter, even against different opponents or newcomers to the battle­field.
Prioritize Calcul­ation (Open)
You use a command terminal to tempor­arily suspend background computer tasks running noncri­tical systems throughout the ship, priori­tizing the combat calcul­ations made at one specific crew station. One crew member attempting a check this round and using a bonus from the ship’s computer can increase that bonus by 1.
Prioritize Calcul­ation (Open)
You use a command terminal to tempor­arily suspend background computer tasks running noncri­tical systems throughout the ship, priori­tizing the combat calcul­ations made at one specific crew station. One crew member attempting a check this round and using a bonus from the ship’s computer can increase that bonus by 1.
Range Finding (Open)
You use any one of a number of your ship’s systems to identify the range to a specific target or spatial feature, and you relay that inform­ation to another crew member so that they are free to focus on other aspects of the task they’re attempting this round. Select one crew member filling the gunner, pilot, or science officer role. They gain +1 bonus to one attack roll or skill check of their choice related to starship combat that’s attempted before the end of this turn.
Ready Weapon System (Open)
Select one weapon system when you perform this task. If that weapon is not fired this round butis fired on the next round after you have readied it, it deals +1 damage on a successful attack (+2 damage for starships of tier 6 and greater).

Minor Crew Actions

Quick Rescan (Helm Phase, Minor)
A science officer must have used the scan action in a previous round to determine inform­ation about the other starship you are looking for updates on.
If you succeed at a Computers check (DC = 5 + 1-1/2 × the tier of the starship being scanned + its bonus from defensive counte­rme­asu­res), you receive one piece of inform­ation, such as the ship’s current Hull Points or its current distri­bution of Shield Points. You can take this action only if no science officer actions have been taken during the helm phase (including visual identi­fic­ation and quick rescan).
Visual Identi­fic­ation (Helm Phase, Minor)
(DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × the tier of the starship being examined)
Attempt a Computers, Engine­ering, or Perception check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × the tier of the starship being examined). If you succeed, you learn the first unknown piece of inform­ation on the list below (all basic inform­ation, all defenses, or inform­ation about one weapon). Inform­ation already obtained from a science officer’s scan action or a quick rescan minor action is not unknown. You learn only one unknown piece of inform­ation, regardless of your total check result. Subsequent successful checks reveal new pieces of inform­ation, continuing down the list below.
1. Basic Inform­ation: Size, speed, and maneuv­era­bility.
2. Defenses: Total Hull Points, total Shield Points, and power core PCU value.
3. Weapon: Inform­ation about one weapon, including its firing arc and the damage it deals, selected at random. Repeat this entry until all the starship’s weapons are revealed.
You can take this action only if no science officer actions have been taken during the helm phase (including visual identi­fic­ation and quick rescan).