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Riverbed SteelHead Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Hone your WAN optimization skills with the SteelHead CheatSheet from SwishData.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

About WAN Optimi­zation

WAN Optimi­zation allows enterp­rises to make applic­ations smaller and faster across Wide Area networks. This allows for improved employee produc­tivity and more efficient use of expensive WAN infras­tru­cture.

When selecting a WAN Optimi­zation solution it is important to ensure you have adequate coverage for your enterprise archit­ecture. This often includes physical and virtual remote devices, mobile users, load-b­alanced high-a­vai­lable data center options, trusted SaaS accele­ration and consum­pti­on-­based pricing models for your clouds.

More commonly today, WAN Optimi­zation is also integrated with Software Defined WAN archit­ectures (SD-WAN). It may be important to consider these options as well.

Key Optimi­zation Techniques

TCP Stream­lining
Tuning of TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance and other algorithms to allow TCP to more effect­ively deal with latency and loss.
Applic­ation Streamline
Mechanisms to make applic­ations faster, for example read aheads, write behinds, chattiness reduction, integrated authen­tic­ati­on/­enc­ryp­tion, etc.
Data Stream­lining
Byte-level and object­-level caching to reduce load on the network.
Quality of Service (QoS)
OSI Layer 3-7 traffic shaping to create predic­table experi­ences for target traffic.