A quick reference for the AutoIt programming language.
Variable notation and datatypes
$aFruitsList |
Array ($a) |
$bIsVisible |
Bool ($b) |
$dBinData |
Binary ($d) |
$fPrice |
Float ($f) |
$hGui |
Handle ($h) |
$iNumber |
Integer ($i) |
$idButtonOk |
GUI control id ($i) |
$mPairs |
Map ($m) |
$oExcel |
Object ($o) |
$pRect |
Pointer ($p) |
$sText |
String ($s) |
Struct ($t) |
$vData |
Variant ($v) |
Variable scope
Global |
Scope over the entire program |
Local |
Scope related to the block of code |
Dim |
Hybrid-like scope, local if not exists already globally |
Tip: Avoid Dim, use explicit Local or Global
Tip: Don't use Global in function scope
Assignment operators
= |
Assignment |
$sText = 'Hi' |
& |
Concatenates/joins two strings |
$sText & ' Max' |
&= |
Concatenation assignment |
$sText &= ' Max' equivalent to $sText = $sText & ' Max' |
+= |
Addition assignment |
$iNum += 1 equivalent to $iNum = $iNum + 1 |
-= |
Subtraction assignment |
$iNum -= 1 equivalent to $iNum = $iNum -1 |
*= |
Multiplicative assignment |
$iNum *= 2 equivalent to $iNum = $iNum * 2 |
/= |
Divisive assignment |
$iNum /= 2 equivalent to $iNum = $iNum / 2 |
Arithmetic operators
+ |
Addition |
10 + 20 |
- |
Subtraction |
20 - 10 |
* |
Multiplication |
20 * 10 |
/ |
Division |
20 / 10 |
^ |
Power |
2 ^ 4 |
Mod |
Modulus |
Mod(val1, val2) |
Comparison operators
= |
Equal (CI) |
If $sText = 'Hi' Then .. |
== |
Strict equal (CS) |
If $sText == 'Bye' Then .. |
<> |
Not equal (CI) |
If $sText <> 'hello' Then .. |
> |
Greater than (CL) |
>= |
Greater than or equal (CL) |
< |
Less than (CL) |
<= |
Less than or equal (CL) |
Legend: CI: case insensitive, CS: case sensitive, CL: compared lexicographically
Conditional operator
? : |
Ternary |
See section "Branching" |
Logical operators
And |
Logical And |
If $iNum1 = 5 And $iNum2 > 6 Then .. |
Or |
Logical Or |
If $iNum1 = 5 Or $iNum2 > 6 Then .. |
Not |
Logical Not |
If Not $iNum = 5 Then .. |
; |
Single line comment |
#ce |
This is a multi line comment
Quotes and escaping
"First string" |
Strings are enclosed in double-quotes |
'Second string' |
Strings can also be enclosed in single-quotes |
"His name was ""Max""" |
Double-quotes as escape character |
'His name was "Max"' |
Or single-quotes instead |
'I''m a string' |
Single-quotes as escape character |
"I'm a string" |
Or double-quotes instead |
Without parameters |
Func _PrintHello() ConsoleWrite('Hello' & @CRLF) EndFunc |
With parameters |
Func _PrintText($sText) ConsoleWrite($sText & @CRLF) EndFunc |
With optional parameters |
Func _SendWithDelay($sKeys, $iDelay = 150) Send($sKeys) Sleep($iDelay) EndFunc |
With Default keyword parameter |
Func _SendWithDelay($sKeys, $iDelay = Default) $iDelay = ($iDelay == Default) ? 150 : $iDelay Send($sKeys) Sleep($iDelay) EndFunc |
Function calls:
_PrintText('This is a text')
_SendWithDelay('{ENTER}', 300)
_SendWithDelay('{ENTER}', Default)
For..Next |
For $i = 1 To 10 Step 1 ConsoleWrite($i & @CRLF) Next |
For..In..Next |
For $sFruit In $aFruitsList ConsoleWrite($sFruit & @CRLF) Next |
While..WEnd |
While $iNum < 25 Sleep(200) $iNum += 1 WEnd |
Do..Until |
Do Sleep(200) $iNum += 1 Until $iNum = 25 |
If..ElseIf..Else |
If $iNum = 1 Then ; do something ElseIf $iNum = 2 Then ; do something Else ; do something EndIf |
Select |
Select Case $iNum = 42 ; do something Case $sText = 'Test' ; do something Case Else ; do something EndSelect |
Switch |
Switch @HOUR Case 6 To 11 $sMessage = 'Good Morning' Case 12 To 17 $sMessage = 'Good Afternoon' Case Else $sMessage = "Later than 17 o'clock" EndSwitch |
Ternary |
$sVariable = (condition) ? 'thenExpression' : 'elseExpression' $bIsAnswerToLife = ($iNum = 42) ? True : False |
Command line
$CmdLine[0] |
Total number of given command line call parameters |
$CmdLine[1] |
First parameter (value) of given command line call |
Command line call (e.g. as GUI parameter):
C:\Development\AutoIt>MyProgram.exe "800" "600"
$iGuiWidth = $CmdLine[1]
$iGuiHeight = $CmdLine[2]
Macros (special read-only variables)
@Compiled |
Indicates whether the script is compiled or not |
Carriage Return Line Feed |
@error |
Status of the error flag |
@extended |
Extended function return |
Hours value of clock |
@MIN |
Minutes value of clock |
@SEC |
Seconds value of clock |
@ScriptDir |
Directory containing the running script |
#include |
Includes a file in the current script #include <Array.au3> or #include "path\filename.au3" |
#include-once |
Current file may only be included once |
#NoTrayIcon |
AutoIt tray icon will not be shown |
#OnAutoItStartRegister |
Registers a function to be called when AutoIt starts |
#pragma |
Changes how the script is compiled |
#RequireAdmin |
Current script requires full administrator rights to run |
Au3Check* common parameters
-d |
As Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) |
-w 1 |
Already included file (on) |
-w 2 |
Missing #comments-end (on) |
-w 3 |
Already declared var (off) |
-w 4 |
Local var used in global scope (off) |
-w 5 |
Local var declared but not used (off) |
-w 6 |
Warn when using Dim (off) |
-w 7 |
Warn when passing Const or expression on ByRef param(s) (on) |
Au3Check* checks the script for syntax errors
Complete list here
Au3Stripper* common parameters
/sf |
Strip all unused Func's |
/sv |
Strip unused Global and Local variable declarations |
/mo |
Just merges the Include files into the source and strips the Comments This is similar to aut2exe and helps finding the errorline |
/rm |
Rename Variables and Functions to a shorter name |
/rsln |
Replace @ScriptLineNumber with the actual line number |
Au3Stripper* clean up the script through various options
Complete list here
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