MongoDB Basic - CLI
Start the Database |
Start the mongo command line
Show the databases |
Use the database named db
Display the current database collections
Finds - db.collection
Displays documents from collection
(first 10) |
Iterate the last command |
.find( query [,fields] )
Find one document by conditions |
Find n documents |
Format results in Mongo Shell |
Sort by key in ascending (1) or descending (-1) order |
Skip 5 documents (similar to offset) |
Modify - db.collection
.insert(document(s) [,options])
Insert a new document or multiple documents(if provided an array of documents) in the collection. Options: writeConcern, ordered |
.insertOne(document, [,options])
.insertMany(array of documents, [,options])
.update(query, update [,options])
Update the documents matched by the query. Options: upsert(insert if no match), multi(aply to multiple elements), writeConcern |
.remove(query [,options])
Remove some documents from a collection. {} for all. options: { justOne, writeConcern } |
Same as above |
Same as above |
Mongoengine - Python
from mongoengine import *
Connect to a database |
class MyDocument(Document)
Define a Document |
class MyDocument(EmbeddedDocument)
Define a Document |
obj = MyDocument(field=value)
Instantiate a Document |
Save the new Document |
--------------------------- Fields --------------------------- |
--------------- Field Args --------------- |
Optional Argument |
Optional Argument |
Optional Argument |
meta = {'allow_inheritance': True}
--------------------------- Querying --------------------------- |
List of documents |
List of Documents with query |
Count Documents |
Query key
with operator __op
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