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ProActive Selling Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Successful Salesp­eople:

Think like a customer.
Think ahead and pull to control the buy/sell process.
Ask great questions.
Qualify early and often (yes++, no++, maybes--).
Use the right tool at the right time.

Buyer's Process | Seller's Process

Initial Interest
Transfer of Ownership

Tool: Toward­s/Away

Find out if your buyers are moving TOWARDS something or AWAY from something when initiating the sales process. 70-80% of people or AWAY buyers.

Tool: Featur­e/B­ene­fit­/Value

Present the Feature, Benefit, and the Value. The Value portion is often forgotten but it is the key buying reason for the Business Buyer (aka Russia­ns/­Gre­eks).

Tool: Cause/­Effect

In the education phase, get to the split early. Find the motivation of the business case buyer by asking cause questions. Find out the effects or needs of the user buyer by asking effect questions.

Tool: Three Languages

Speak the right language to the right buyer. There are three levels of buyers and they each have their own language and interest:
Executives (Greeks) - Market Size/M­arket Share - business buyers
Vice Presidents (Russians) - Revenu­e/Cost - usually business buyers
Managers (Spanish) - Featur­es/­Fun­ctions - usually user buyers

What language do you speak if multiple levels are in the same room?
Default to the most senior member's language but it's ok to speak Russian as most Greeks are fluent.

Tool: ValueStar

To sell effect­ively you must sell Value (or money). Greeks and Russians are greedy and want a return on their invest­ment, not to break even.
There are five ways to create value:

Tool: TimeZones

Past (Resto­rative)
Russia­ns/­Greeks (Business Buyers)
Present (Oppor­tun­istic)
Spaniards (User Buyers)
Future (Strat­egic)
Russia­ns/­Greeks (Business Buyers)
When selling Value speak in the right TimeZone. What you present and the questions you ask should be in the proper tense based on the audience of the person you are speaking too.

Tool: 30 Second Speech

This tool is used to begin a prospe­cting sales call and initiate the sales process, it follows this structure:

-Find out if it is a good time to talk
-Use a reference if you have one
-Use your homework

1. Introd­uction:
Good Morning, Mr. Smith. My name is Bob Cook. I'm a salesp­erson with CROmet­rics.

2. About Us (use three points)
-We are the leading..
-We provide the...
-We also help...

3. Bridge Phrase (use three questions)
Many question we get from VPs like your are:
-Is there a way to...
-Can you reduce..
-How can I speed up...

4. Summarize and Flip
Before we get into these questions, Mr Smith, what are the issues and questi­ons...
Before the call remember to do your homework on the prospect and speak in the right language, timezone, and don't forget to sell value.

Tool: Ask/Te­ll/Ask

This tool turns the standard educat­ional sales call on it's head and into a validation call.

20-30 minutes: Ask questions about what they want to discuss

5-10 minutes: Tell them what you do and how you can help them

10-20 minutes: Ask them what you both have said, agree, then SBP

Tool: Summar­ize­/Br­idg­e/Pull

The SBP tool is how you end every call and address whether to continue the Buy/Sell process.

1. Intro
We accomp­lished a lot today Mr. Smith.

2a. You
You said you wanted...

2b, I
We discussed how we might be able to help...

3. Bridge
Do you agree?

4. Next Steps
Great. As a next step we should sit down and...
It's very important to use this at the end of every call and to stay in control and set the next steps. Do not let the prospect set the next steps as it puts the control in their hands.

Tool: 20-Second Help Speech

A simple speech used for voicemail (or possibly email).
-Ask for help
-Request action

Hello Mr. Smith, my name is John Potts and I work for CROmet­rics, and I could really use your help. Please give me a call back at 555.55­5.5555
When they call back, tell them what you do but then ask who would be respon­sible for this in their company. This is also a great time to use a reference if you have one.

Tool: 30-SS: Second Call and Beyond

First Speech
All Other Calls

Tool: 30-SS: Second Call and Beyond

First Speech
All Other Calls

Tool: 30-SS: Second Call and Beyond

First Speech
All Other Calls
-About Us
-Last time we talked...
-About Them
-Your Agenda­/Co­nce­rns­/Issues were...
-Summarize & Flip
-If good meeting today, Next Step

Tool: GAP Chart

Ask questions to find gaps business buyers are having reaching important goals. If the prospect is projecting to be short 5% on a very important goal and you can help fill the gap, you are gaining a compet­itive advantage and delivering value.

Tool: SalesMap

A SalesMap is a document that is updated throughout the sales process that outlines what steps:
- have already been taken,
- do you still need to take, and
- does the prospect still need to take.