Data Structures
Vector |
ordered array of elements of the same data type a<-c(3,1,5) |
Vector Naming |
a<-c("desks" = 1, "tables" = 3, "chairs" = 4) |
Vector Coercion |
a<-c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) = 1 0 1 |
seq(1,9,2) and rep(c(2,3,4), 3) |
Vector Subsetting |
materials <- c(wood = 17, cloth = 36, silver = 24, gold = 3) |
materials[1] = wood = 17 |
Matrix |
vector of elements arranged in two dimensions |
m1<-matrix(3:8,ncol=3,nrow=2) |
m2<-3:8 and dim(m2)<-c(3,2) |
Factor |
used to store categorical variables (numeric or character) |
a<-c(0,1,0,0,1) |
a.f<-factor(a,labels = c("Male","Female")) |
a.f = Male Female Male Male Female |
gl() function |
generate factors by specifying the pattern of their levels |
gl(2,8,labels=c("male","female")) |
List |
multiple types of elements ()list |
Mike<-list(Name="Mike",Salary=10000,Age=43,Children=c("Tom","Lily","Alice")) |
#$ |
is a convenient way to retrieve element by element name. |
str() |
display the internal structure |
c() |
combine several lists into one |
Array |
multi-dimensional arrangement of data in a vector. |
Exploring Data
Missing Data |
Causes |
human error, system error, loopholes |
Dealing |
summary() - how much data is missing |
missing categorical data |
set a new category called “Unknown” |
missing numerical data |
assign mean value or assign a value based on its relationship to other related variables |
Other Data Problems |
data entry, logical errors, outdated, inconsistent |
Data Visualization
Principles |
Simplify, Compare, Attend (Details), Explore (Visual), View diversely, Ask why, Be skeptical, Respond |
GGPlot2 |
(+) allows us to make complex and aesthetically pleasing plots quickly and intuitively |
(-) work exclusively with data tables |
Components |
data |
data table in the example plot is summarized. |
geometry |
scatter plot, histograms, smooth densities, q-q plots, and blocks plots. |
aesthetic mapping |
x and y axis |
scale |
range of x-axis and y-axis appear to be defined by the range of the data |
labels, title, legend, |
Creating a New Plot |
ggplot() function |
specify the graph’s data component. |
df %>% ggplot() |
associates the dataset with the plotting object |
geom_point() |
add a layer, assigning population to x and total to y |
aes() |
recognizes variables from the data component |
geom_label() and geom_text() |
functions to add text to the plot. |
Size Color |
geom_point(size = 3, color = "blue") |
geom_histogram() |
geom_density() |
create smooth densities |
Programming Structure and Functions
Basic |
if-else |
use curly braces “{} |
if(boolean condition){ expressions } else{ alternative expressions } |
any() (similar to OR "|") |
returns TRUE if any of the logicals are true |
z <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE) any(z) |
all() (similar to &) |
returns TRUE if all of the logicals are true |
Basic Functions |
my_function <- function(x){ operations that operate on x which is defined by user of function value of final line is returned } |
For Loops |
for (i in range of values){ operations that use i, which is changing across the range of values } |
for (i in 1:5){ print(i) } |
## [1] 1 ## [1] 2 ## [1] 3 ## [1] 4 ## [1] 5 |
apply() |
apply a function to the margin of a matrix or a dataframe |
apply(x, MARGIN, FUNC, ...) |
z <- cbind(A=1:3,B=4:6,C=7:9,D=10:12) |
apply(z,2,sum) |
lapply() |
works on list or vector inputs instead of matrix/dataframe input. |
returns a list of the same length as the given list or array. |
x <- list(A=1:4, B=seq(0.1,1,by=0.1)) |
lapply(x, mean) |
sapply() |
wrapper of the lapply() function. It also takes in a list or vector, however it returns a vector instead of a list |
vapply() |
performs exactly like lapply() except that we can specify the return value type from FUNC |
can be faster if we know that our output can use a atomic data type that takes up less memory space. |
rapply() |
a specified function to all elements of a list recursively |
x <- list(A=2,B=list(-1,3),C=list(-2,list(-5,6))) |
rapply(x, function(x){x^2}) #returns a vector |
mapply() |
take multiple vectors as inputs. |
tapply() |
applies the specified FUNC to each group of an array, grouped based on levels of certain factors. |
Pivot Table |
grouping data by different fields |
summarize the data with your own function for specific purposes |
data(murders) tapply(murders$total, murders$region, sum) |
tapply(murders$total/murders$population, murders$region, mean) |
split() |
split a dataframe into a list of data frames based on a factor array. |
tapply() |
group data by multiple factors |
Basic Data Wrangling
Data Frame |
use the data.frame() function. elements in the same column should be of the same data type. |
name <- c("Anne"), age <- c(28), child <- c(FALSE) |
df <- data.frame(name, age, child) |
Data Frame Naming |
names(df) <- c("Name", "Age", "Child") |
Data Frame Structure |
Data Frame in R is implemented as a list of vectors with an important restriction of equal length vectors. |
R stores the character data type as a factor instead |
str() |
prevents R from converting the characters to vectors |
Data Frame Subsetting |
“[]” and “[[]]” and “$” |
df[3,2] #r3c2 |
c() |
used to subset multiple portions of the Data Frame. |
Data Frame Extension |
adding new variables or observations to an existing Data Frame. |
height <- c(163, 177, 163, 162, 157) |
df$height <- height |
Sorting |
sort(df$age) #based on age |
max(df$age) #getting the highest age |
which.max(df$age) #index of the oldest person |
Data Frame Indexing |
find specific cases in DF |
index <- df$height > 171 |
sum(index) #number of people taller than the male average |
df$name[index] #person who is taller: pete |
finding those older than 30 without children. |
index <- df$age > 30 & df$child == FALSE |
library(dplyr) |
mutate() function |
extend DF for row and col |
df <- mutate(df, bmi = weight/height^2*10000) |
or df$bmi <- df$weight/df$height^2*10000 |
filter() |
subset rows |
filter(df, bmi > 18.5 & bmi < 24.9) |
select() |
health <- select(df, name, height, weight, bmi) |
filter(health, bmi > 18.5 & bmi < 24.9) |
%>% |
chain these three functions together. |
df %>% select(name, height, weight, bmi) %>% filter(bmi > 18.5 & bmi < 24.9) |
merge 2 df based on col |
right_join & left_join |
suffix |
added to the column names from each data frame to make them unique in the result. |
should be a vector with two elements |
right_join(driver_q2, constructors, by = c("constructor" = "constructor"),suffix = c("_driver", "_constructor")) |
inner_join |
returns only the rows that have matching values in both data frames based on specified key columns |
union |
combine two or more data frames vertically, stacking them on top of each other. |
anti_join |
filtering rows from the first data frame based on values that do not have matching values in the second data frame. |
common used for df |
rbind & bind_rows |
Advance Data Wrangling
Importing Data |
Via readr |
read_csv: comma separated values |
read_tsv: tab delimited separated values |
read_delim: general text file format |
head() function display it as a tibble. |
readxl |
read_excel,xls,xlsx |
R-base |
read.csv() and read.table() can be used without having to install any libraries |
R-base import function will automatically convert any character strings to factors |
widespread use in the data science community due to its efficiency at storing large amounts of data and also as it is platform agnostic.There is also no size limit with csv files. |
Via URL |
read_csv(url) |
tempdir() & tempfile() |
it is useful to have a temporary directory or filename auto generated to manage these URL imports |
Via JSON |
provided via API, library(jsonlite), fromJSON(url) |
Via XML |
rawling a website, xmlParse("books.xml") |
xmlRoot() |
access the root node of the tree. |
xmlChildren() |
use the children nodes of the tree |
xmlToList(data), xmlToDataFrame(books) |
convert the XML file to list or data frame format |
Reshaping Data |
Wide to Tidy: gather() |
convert the above wide data into tidy data |
country,year,feartility |
new_tidy_data <- wide_data %>% gather(year, fertility, '1960':'2015') |
Tidy to Wide: spread() |
The first argument of the spread() function is to declare which variables are to be used as column names. While the second argument is to specify the variables used to fill out the cells. |
Separate and Unite |
separate() |
requires the target column, the names for the new columns and the separator character. |
dat %>% separate(key, c("year", "first_variable_name", "second_variable_name"), fill = "right") |
spread() |
dat %>% separate(key, c("year", "variable_name"), extra = "merge") %>% spread(variable_name, value) |
unite() |
first name & last name |
Combining Data |
join() |
combined so that matching rows are together |
Inner Join |
eturns only the rows that have matching values in both tables |
Left Join |
returns all the rows from the left table and the matching rows from the right table |
Full Join |
all the rows from both tables, with NULL values in columns where there is no match in the other table |
Semi Join |
keep the part of the first table for which we have information in the second table, but doesnt add the columns of the second. |
Anti Join |
opposite of the semi_join() function. It allows us to keep the part of the first table for which we have NO information in the second table, but doesnt add the columns of the second. |
Set Operators |
Intersect: inds common elements shared among sets. |
intersect(1:10, 6:15) = 6 7 8 9 10 |
Union: ombines sets into one, removing duplicates. |
same with interse |
Setequal |
helps us check if two sets are the same regardless of order. |
Setdiff |
find the elements that are in one set (or vector) but not in another set. |